“Estella Doukas.”

Both their chins drop simultaneously.

“No,” Theo breathes, his features hardening as realization hits him. “No, Galen wouldn’t be so stupid,” he says with more confidence than he should.

“Well, he apparently is, because it’s her, man.”

“Well, fuck me,” Alex sighs, taking a hit on his own joint. “Was she good?”

“What?” I bark, utter disbelief coating my words.

“I’m assuming you fucked her in the graveyard. That’s hot, dude. Was she good?”

My chin drops to tell him the truth, that she was fucking insane, but for some reason it feels wrong.

“It doesn’t matter. If I knew who the fuck she was, I never would have touched her.”

“That good, huh?” he mutters, reading into my words.

“Is she here with him?” Theo asks, focusing on the main issue here instead of getting distracted by how tight her fucking pussy was.

My cock swells the second that thought hits me, because fuck, it was just that fucking tight.

Reaching down, I pull at my trousers, making a little more space.

“Fuck me, you want another round too, don’t you?”

“I wouldn’t touch her with yours now I know she’s that traitorous cunt’s daughter.”

“Sure,” he laughs, “You keep telling yourself that.”

“We need to tell my dad,” Theo announces.

“No,” I bark. “Not yet.”

“Why the fuck not?”

“Well, for one, the boss has no clue that we know the truth about what went down. And second, you tip him off, he’ll go straight after Galen and scare him off. I wanna know why he thought it was a good idea to come back, let alone bring his devil spawn with him.”

“Bit harsh,” Alex mutters, his voice lighter than usual. When I look over, I find he’s almost smoked his entire joint and his eyes are blown wide fucking open. Motherfucker’s high as a kite.

It’s probably a good thing, because if he weren’t high right now, he’d probably be halfway to finding where she is, ready to burn her house to the ground for even daring to come near us—me—after what her father did.

“Is it?” I ask, releasing a mouthful of smoke. “She has no right to be here. There’s a reason they were banished all those years ago.”

“Maybe there’s more to it than we know,” Theo points out. The only reason we know about the existence of Galen Doukas in the first place is because we overheard a conversation between his father, the Family’s boss, and his uncle Evan, the underboss, a few years ago.

“I don’t give a fuck if he shits fucking glitter. I know all I need to know. He’s going to regret coming back here, and he’s going to regret bringing her even more.”

Theo nods at me in agreement before reaching for the joint that’s slowly burning between my fingers.

“Whatever you want, bro.”

I nod in appreciation. He might not actually agree with me, but it doesn’t matter, because this is how we work.

This has everything to do with me, and ultimately, it’s my decision. And I know that my boys will be right behind me.

“She’s fucking hot, though,” Alex mutters, earning himself a dead arm when I reach over and punch him. “What? I’m just saying. I would.”