Her chest heaves as she stares at me and her fists curl once more. My eyes drop to them, and it’s only now that I register the state of her knuckles.

“Let me look at them.”

Her brows furrow as she follows my line of sight.

When her eyes come back to mine, they’re cold and hard, her mask completely impenetrable.

I nod, accepting that there’s no other choice here than to leave.

It’s right, but for some reason I don’t want to acknowledge it, it’s the last thing I want to do right now.

“Fine. But don’t expect me to come running the next time life blows up in your face.”

“Did I ask you to be here now? No. No, I fucking didn’t.”

Throwing my hands up in defeat, I turn my back on her and storm from the house, not once looking back or questioning my decision.

Until I’m back at Theo’s and lying on my bed, staring at my ceiling.

Then I run every second of our time together through my head, trying to figure out where it all went so wrong.