“Fine. But this isn’t over,” Emmie warns, her words directed at Teagan, much to Miss Peterson’s irritation.

“Too fucking right it’s not. She’s got a lot worse coming her way.”

“Girls,” Miss P barks, forcing us to move.

It’s not until we’re halfway back to the building that I realize we’ve got a little audience.

Theo, Alex and Daemon are all standing on the edge of the football pitch, watching us. Alex and Daemon just look amused, full smirks cover their faces. But Theo? He just looks horny as fuck. It irritates me that I know exactly how he looks when he’s turned on, but I force that thought down.

“What?” I bark. “Never watched a proper bitch fight before?”

None of them say anything as we storm past, but their eyes never leave us.


“Are you okay?” I ask, leading Emmie to the sinks in the locker room and wetting some tissue to clean up the blood pouring from her eyebrow.

She doesn’t respond beyond an angry growl that rumbles up her throat.

We’re still trying to stem the blood when Miss P appears with a murderous look on her usually pretty face.

“Emmie,” she barks, coming to stop in front of us with her hands on her hips.

“I shouldn’t have hit her, I know. Spare me the lecture, Miss. She’s been mouthing off all week. She deserved it.”

I narrow my eyes at Emmie. She hadn’t said anything about Teagan and her bitches giving her shit. If I knew that on top of what she’s done to me, I might not have kept a lid on my anger for so long.

Maybe that’s exactly why she didn’t say anything.

“Fighting is never the answer,” Miss P says back.

“Right. Sure thing. Are we done here?” Emmie hops down from the counter, ensuring the tissue I had pressed to her brow falls to the floor, fresh blood almost instantly beginning to run down her face once more.

“No, I don’t think—” But it’s too late, Emmie’s gone. “Great,” Miss P mutters under her breath.

“You know she’s right. Teagan deserves that and then some.”

Miss P stares at me for a beat before letting out a sigh and walking away.

Oh yeah, she totally agrees.

* * *

I turn up at Calli’s house an hour early on Saturday morning to help her get ready for her big date with Ant.

I expect her to be the one to answer when I ring the bell, seeing as I warned her I was coming, but when the door opens, I find a shirtless, exhausted Nico staring back at me.

“Princess,” he growls, rubbing the back of his neck, a move which makes his abs jump, dragging my eyes way lower than they should be.

“H-hey, um… I’m meeting Calli.”

“Damn, and here I was thinking you were here for me.” He smirks, teasing.

I take a step closer to him and look up through my lashes.

“You know, it’s tempting, but you’re too pretty to have your face bashed in by Seb.” I pat him on the cheek patronisingly before slipping past him and into the house.

“Like he could do anything about it,” he sulks, following me up the stairs, despite the fact that he lives in the basement.