“And here I was thinking you were one of his posse.”

Sitting back in my passenger seat, Toby stretches out his long-ass legs, the fabric of his shorts pulling tight across his muscular thighs.

“I’d kill for him. Doesn’t mean I have to agree with everything he does.”

My brows rise at his blunt statement, but I think I understand. Not having all that many friends over the years, especially no lifetime ones, means I’ve missed out on those kinds of connections.

“Kinda like a brother, then.”

“Exactly that. The five of us, we’re family in all the ways that matter.”

“Great, so if one of you hates me then ultimately you all do.”

“I’m reserving judgement. He’s not given me anything concrete to go on yet, so I’m following my gut.”

“You trust me?” I ask.

“I dunno. You’re just…” He looks over at me, his eyes taking in every inch of my face. “You’re different. I like it.”

“You’re one of only a few who haven’t instantly judged me, although you did help Seb corner me in the bathroom and stop any help from entering… but I can see past that, at least until I get to know you.”

“That’s good of you. So are you going to ring for help or what?” He glances down at the cell that’s still in my hand.

“Uh… yeah. She’s fully covered, so I’m sure someone will be right out.”

“She?” he asks with a smirk.

“Yeah. Why? Isn’t yours?”

“Oh hell yeah. I’ve just never heard a girl personify their car like guys do before.”

“I’m not your average girl.”

“You can say that again,” he mutters to himself as I lift my cell to my ear.

I’m on hold for what feels like forever as I’m forced to listen to the shitty music they play down the line before I’m finally told that all their rescue mechanics are busy and it’ll be at least two hours before someone can get to me.

“This is bullshit,” I snap, jamming my finger into the screen to cut off the call.

“Come on,” Toby says, sitting forward and reaching for the handle, “I’ll take you home.”

“And leave her here?”

“Babe, this place has more CCTV than Buckingham Palace. She’s gonna be safe. Plus, it’s not like anyone can drive off in her.”

“Fine,” I sigh, unable to argue with that.

I follow him over to his car and drop down inside, noticing the same new car smell mingled with the fresh boy that’s currently lingering in mine.

“This is nice,” I say, running my fingers over the red that cuts through the dash of what is obviously a custom M3.

“It was a birthday present.”

“Wow, someone obviously loves you.”

He grunts in agreement and quickly follows it up with, “Money isn’t everything.”

Looking over, I find his jaw locked and his grip on the wheel so tight his knuckles are white, so I figure it’s probably not the best time to ask him to elaborate.