“You’re driving his car,” I point out.

“Well done, Hellion. Nothing gets past you, does it?”

“You’re infuriating.”

His threatening smile finally emerges, as if he’s actually pleased that I’ve noticed.

“That’s the least of your worries, baby.”

“Don’t call me that,” I hiss, folding my arms under my boobs. Despite the fact that I’m covered in my school uniform, his eyes still drop like I might have just flashed him. “Are you finished?”

He sucks his bottom lip into his mouth and drags it between his teeth as his eyes roll up to meet mine. They’re darker than they were when I first climbed into the car, and it sends a wave of desire through me.

“I’m not fucking you in Toby’s car,” I blurt out before I can think better of it.

Seb snorts in disgust.

“I’m not interested in repeats or Toby’s sloppy seconds.”

“Probably a good thing, seeing as he was so much better than you,” I lie. “It would be a total let down.”

My insides do a little cheer when his lips press into a thin line and his teeth grind.

“So what’s the plan then? You gonna lock me in here and sit outside my house all day? I don’t want to burst your bubble, but someone will probably notice. If you want to abduct me, I’m sure you could be a little more creative.”

His eyes hold mine for so long that I begin to wonder if he actually heard me, or if I even said the words out loud.

The second it becomes clear he got every single word is the same second I realize I’ve let my guard down.

His hand wraps around my throat and he pins me back into the chair.

My heart slams in my chest. I’m shit out of luck at helping myself right now.

Calvin has trained me on how to defend myself in most situations, but being in the confines of a car isn’t one of them.

“What do you want from me?” I force out as his grip only gets tighter.

He smiles once more, but this time, there’s no amusement in it. Only malice.

“I want to hurt you. Punish you. Ruin you. Break you,” he hisses, almost as if he’s actually talking to himself. “I want to make you cry, beg, plead with me for mercy despite the fact that you know it’ll never come.”

My head spins as I try to register his words and the seriousness behind each and every threat.

“That’s some heavy shit for someone you just met.”

“You have no idea who you are, do you, Doukas?”

I shake my head slightly, because I think it’s more than clear that I don’t have a fucking clue what he’s talking about.

“Your mortal enemy, by the sounds of it,” I sass. “Not that I really think you’re brave enough to do anything about it.”

He moves closer, his body hovering over the centre console. “You really need to watch what you say, Hellion. You really shouldn’t be challenging me.”

“The only one of us who’s ended up hurt so far is you, as far as I’m aware. So you really should step up your efforts, big man.”

His jaw tics, his fingers tightening as the sound of a car approaching fills the small space around us.

Calvin’s car appears from behind the bushes as he backs out of the driveway.