He swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing against his knife.

“Do you know what?” I ask, my own smirk playing on my lips. “You look even prettier when you’re at my mercy.”

“You’re playing with fire,” he warns.

“Oh, baby. I’m the one who ignited the motherfucking flames.” His brows shoot up at my words. “Straight from hell, remember?” I say, recalling our conversation from that night. “Now, this is how it’s gonna go,” I tell him, pressing the blade a little harder until I begin to break the skin. “I’m going to get out of this car before I’m even fucking later for class, and you’re going to let me go. But don’t worry, baby,” I say, my voice softening as if I actually fucking like him. “This isn’t over. You might have started this war, but I’m going to be the one who ends it.”

He blinks twice but never says a word.

Taking that as his agreement, I pull the knife away slightly to see what he’s going to do. He stays put, his eyes burning into mine, but when I sit back he moves, unlocking the doors and allowing me to climb out from the car.

My panties are in tatters, and I make the most of the privacy he allowed us by tucking my thumbs under my skirt and letting them fall down my legs.

He watches my every move, his jaw tics and that vein at his temple pulsates.

“Oh,” I say innocently, “did you want these?” I throw my panties into the car, ensuring they hit his face before falling onto his lap. “They’re the last pair of mine you’ll be getting into, I can assure you of that. And thanks for this,” I say, holding up his knife. “It’s not as pretty as my pink one, but it seems pretty sharp.”

Before he manages to respond, I throw my bags over my shoulder and slam the passenger door shut.

Accomplishment washes through me as I walk away.

The wind whips around me despite the fact that the early morning sun warms my skin and my heart skips a beat when it catches my skirt. That slight panic is soon replaced with satisfaction, because I know his eyes are drilling into me and there’s no way he missed it.

Spinning around, I find I’m right. His dark and dangerous eyes are fixed right on me as I lift my hand and flip him the bird, the widest smile I can manage breaking across my face.