Teagan’s chin drops as I stand, bringing myself up to her level.

“Keep pushing me, Teagan. I dare you.”

Before she has a chance to respond, I grab my tray from the table and take off toward the building.

I’d rather be doing homework than be forced to breathe the same air as that bitch.

“Okay, that was freaking awesome,” a familiar voice says from behind me as I step into the building.

Glancing to my left, I find Calli, the girl from gym last night.

“Glad I could entertain you.”

“I haven’t seen anyone go up against Teagan since… well, it’s been so long I can’t even remember.”

“About time she met her match, then.”

“I’m pretty sure it was year eight,” Calli muses as we continue walking side by side. “She took Ashleigh to the ground by her hair for kissing whomever she fancied at the time.”

“Good to see she’s grown up,” I deadpan.

“Girls like Teagan never do, do they?” she asks.

“Hopefully I won’t be around to find out.”

Calli laughs as we slow down to enter the bathroom. Fingers crossed it’s less dramatic than Monday’s visit.

“What do you have this afternoon?” she asks.

“English language. You?”


“Sounds like fun.”

“Meh, I dunno. I don’t really know what I want to do. I’ll probably end up following my brother’s footsteps and retaking this year once I figure shit out,” she confesses as she slips into one of the stalls.

“It’s not a bad thing.”

“Maybe not. I just wanna know when everything’s meant to start making sense, you know?”

“I don’t think it ever does. Just gotta go for it and hope for the best.”

“Not sure I like that option.”

“Life’s unpredictable. Gotta roll with the punches.”

“That what you’re doing with Teagan?”

“Sort of. Mostly I’m just enjoying myself.”

* * *

“Hey,” I breathe, a wide smile playing on my lips when I walk out of my English class to find Toby leaning against the opposite wall, waiting for me. “How’d you know what class I had?”

“I have ways.” He winks, pushing from the wall and falling into step beside me.

“Any news on your car?”