“Smile, you filthy whore. I bet Daddy would love to see the truth about his precious little princess.”

“Fucking cunt,” I bark, thrashing against his hold as he takes photo after photo of me covered in his spunk, soaking wet and caked in mud. Safe to say, I’ve looked better.

“Start digging into my life again, Hellion,” he warns, “and it won’t just be the two of us who know what went down here tonight. All of Knight’s Ridge, your father, your friends back in Rosewood…”

My brows pull together at his mention of my past.

“And I’m the one digging?”

He leans closer, his intoxicating scent filling my nose and reigniting my desire.

“Back off, Hellion. You’re not going to like what you find if you keep going.”

My lips part to argue, but he pulls back, the fierce look on his face making me forget my words.

“You should go home. You’re a fucking mess.”

The second he releases me, my first instinct is to reach for him, but I manage to stop before I embarrass myself.

Without another word but one look in the direction of his sister’s headstone, he takes off across the graveyard, another clap of thunder echoing around me as he disappears.

“Holy fuck,” I breathe, pushing from the ground and pulling my soaked hoodie around myself.

Lifting my knees, I drop my head into my hands and immediately realise my mistake.

“Fuck. Fuck. FUCK,” I scream, making the situation worse by trying to wipe the mud from my face. “I FUCKING HATE YOU,” I bellow after him, hoping he’s close enough that he can hear me.

My heart pounds and my stomach churns as I think about what he just did to me. The way he touched me, used me, degraded me.

I should be disgusted. He treated me like nothing more than the whore he accuses me of being.

But I liked it. Hell, I wanted more. I still do.

My cunt is still slick with need, desperate to feel something, anything.

And I know for a fact that if he turned around right now and came back, I’d let him do it all over again.

What exactly does that say about me?

Pushing to my feet, I look down at myself and wince.

He wasn’t wrong when he told me I look like a filthy whore.

I pull up my hood in the hope it’ll help me hide before tugging my hoodie tighter around my body and taking off in the direction he just disappeared in.

At the very last minute, I turn back and glance between the two graves.

How unlucky is it for your father and sister to die on the very same day fifteen years apart? That kind of loss is enough to fuck anyone up. But this is more than that. It’s more than just the pain of losing someone you love.

I squint at the date of Seb’s father’s death. Seb was just a baby. Just like I was when I lost my mom.

Maybe the two of us do have something in common.

A bitter laugh falls from my lips at the thought. It’s not like we’re ever going to bond over such shit. It’s clear the only kind of connection there will ever be between us is this burning lust-filled hate thing we have going on.

Maybe if I just fuck him again it’ll get it out of both of our systems.

My thighs squeeze together once more. The throb between them has lessened, but it’s still very much there. And it only increases once more as I think back to watching him come all over my tits like some kind of primal claiming of me.