His words are like a red rag to a bull. My anger bubbles over faster than I can contain.

“Ridiculous? You think this is me being ridiculous? How can’t you see how frustrating this is? I’ve let it all go before because I trust you, but this is crazy. Tell me something, Dad. Tell me something real.” I throw my hands out, feeling utterly hopeless.

I hate that Seb’s got to me. But I’ve had it with all the secrets and the bullshit.

We came here for a reason. A very good reason, and before, that was enough for me. But not now. Now I want some truth, something real.

Dad throws back the contents of his glass and stands. He’s tall, his frame wide. For a man his age he’s still really good looking and with a killer body, thanks to Calvin’s regular workout sessions. Any woman would be lucky to have him. So why has he never had one? Why doesn’t he even seem to want one? Or a man. Hell, I couldn’t give a shit if he’s actually gay.

Maybe that’s the big secret.

No. I shake the thought from my head. This is bigger than his sexual preferences.

He doesn’t stop until he’s right in front of me.

Reaching out, he cups my cheek in his warm hand.

“You are the single most important thing in my life, Stella. Everything I do is to keep you safe and secure your future.”

“Dad,” I sigh, leaning into his touch. “I appreciate that, I really do. But I need more. Please. Moving here, it’s been…” Harder. “Different than all the other times. I don’t know who I am here.”

“Didn’t you like cheer tonight?” His hand slips from my face, leaving me feeling cold.

“This isn’t about cheer. This isn’t even about school. It’s about me. It’s about us. Our family, our lives.”

He lets out a long breath, a tormented look I don’t see very often passing across his face.

“When we first got here…” he starts, lifting his hand to his hair and pulling it back from his brow as if he’s nervous. That can’t be right. Galen Doukas never gets nervous. Ever. “There are some people from my past who don’t want me here. And in turn, I was worried about you.”

“Me? No one will care about me. I have nothing to do with your past.”

“Sweetheart…” He sighs once more. “I’m connected to some dangerous people. Ruthless men who don’t think twice about doing whatever is necessary to right some wrongs.”

My brow wrinkles as I stare up at him, my heart sinking in my chest.

“Right. I don’t know why I bothered.”

Spinning on my heels, I storm away from him, furious that he can’t for once just give me a straight answer.

Doesn’t he think I’ve figured that shit out? We’ve got a team of security, for fuck’s sake. I didn’t think he was Mother freaking Theresa.

I slam my door, feeling like a petulant child who hasn’t got her way, and throw myself on my bed.

Toby’s lingering scent from the other night hits me, and I get the urge to call him. Something tells me he’d understand.

I second guess myself for ten seconds before I dig my cell from the bottom of my purse and find his number.

Sitting back against my headboard, I hold it to my ear as the call rings out.

My stomach flutters when the call connects, but there’s a commotion on the other end before the line goes dead.

“Okay then,” I mutter to myself as I lower my cell.

I stare at the screen, waiting for him to call back, but it remains eerily quiet.

Emotion crawls up my throat and tears burn the backs of my eyes.

Bending my legs, I wrap my arms around them and rest my head on my knees.