“Yeah, about that. How come you won’t even let me touch it, and she’s had it for what? Twelve hours?”

“She’s a better lay than you,” I deadpan.

“Funny, because I’m not sure I remember ever being your little bitch.”

“I also don’t want to kill you with it. I’ll let her keep it for a bit if it lets her think she’s got the upper hand. But I will be getting it back, and it will have her blood on it.”

If he’s shocked by my words then he doesn’t show it.

“Fair enough. Just don’t do it here. I ain’t dealing with the mess.”

“I’ll see what I can do. I’m going for a shower.”

“And here I was thinking you wanted to keep the evidence of tonight on you.”

The image of my spunk covering her chest pops into my head.

“The only one with evidence of anything that happened tonight is our little princess.”

My phone damn near burns a hole through my pocket. My need to pull it out and stare at that image I threatened her with is almost too much to deny.

“What’s that look for?” Theo asks. We’ve grown up like brothers since we were in diapers. He can read me almost better than I can myself.

“Nothing I’m fucking sharing with you.”

“We’ll see about that. I happen to think our princess would look fucking good between the two of us, don’t you?”

A wave of overwhelming possessiveness hits me out of nowhere. The thought of watching Theo touch what’s mine makes me want to pull my knife back out.

My teeth grind as we stare at each other, him waiting for a verbal response—not that I think he needs one for a second.

“Touch her and I’ll kill you.”

“You’ll be telling me you’re falling in love with her and gonna put a ring on it next.”

A growl rumbles up my throat at his words, but all he does is throw back his head and bark out a laugh.

“I’ll be in my room if you need me. Sleep that off so I don’t have to deal with Coach,” he says, pointing to the now half empty bottle before grabbing his laptop and a bottle of Coke and disappearing down the hall.

I salute his retreating back before ignoring his request and taking the bottle with me as I head for my bedroom.

I swear to God that this coach house was designed with the two of us in mind all those years ago. It’s a large brick building adjacent to Theo’s family home. Not only are there four garages beneath us for our beloved babies, but every bedroom fits a king-sized bed with an en suite. The living area is big enough for some killer parties, and best of all, we’re far enough from the main house that neither Theo’s mum, dad nor younger siblings have a clue what we’re doing inside.


The only time it’s better is when I’ve got some company in my huge bed.

I glance over at my black sheets, my imagination running wild as an image of Stella writhing in it pops into my head. Her tits bare, her nipples hard and begging for my mouth just like they were tonight.

Reaching down, I rub my length through my pants.

Fuck punishing her. I should have fucked her tonight. My own hand only got me so far.

I fall into bed naked after a long shower that might have done the job of washing the mud from my body but did little to clear my head.

I thought shit was bad before, but with her here, now my head is spinning faster than I can control.

The thoughts of revenge have been at the forefront of my mind since the day I learned the truth. I always thought it was something of a pipedream, a fantasy. But now it’s right here. Everything I’ve thought about, everything craved for so long is—was—right beneath my hands.