He pulls back, but not enough to get out of my space.

“I don’t share my toys, Hellion,” he warns.

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not yours to play with, isn’t it?”

“Funny, I don’t remember you saying that the other night.”

My eyes narrow in warning, but Toby beats me to responding.

“Leave it, Seb.”

“Butt the fuck out, Tobes. This doesn’t concern you.”

“Like fuck it doesn’t. I won’t stand here and watch you rip strips off her for your own amusement.”

Seb’s cold eyes finally release mine in favor of his friend’s.

“Back off,” he growls.

“Fuck this,” I bark, having no desire to be in the middle of this macho pissing contest. Spinning away from both of them, I take a step when a hand grabs my upper arm.

The purse in my hand drops to the floor and I act on instinct, something which Seb is clearly not expecting when he finds himself pressed against the opposite wall three seconds later with my knee in his lower back and his arm twisted so far back that it’s probably about to pop out of its socket.

I suck in a deep breath, my heart thundering at a mile a minute as my surroundings come back to me.

Silence ripples down the hallway a beat before the attention of every student loitering in here before class makes my skin tingle with awareness.

“You made your point, Hellion. You can fucking let me go now,” Seb seethes, his voice low with his barely restrained anger.

I can’t imagine anyone gets the better of any of these boys, let alone the new girl.

I try not to smile as he flinches against my hold, but I can’t help it and my lips twitch up.

“Fuck me,” a familiar voice announces from somewhere behind me. “That was the best thing I’ve seen all year. Princess,” he breathes, pride oozing from his voice, “turn those moves on me, girl. I’ll happily grapple with you all day long.”

A growl rumbles up Seb’s throat.

“Hellion,” he warns, but I still don’t let up.

Instead, I lean closer. I have to reach up on my toes, but I ensure my lips touch his ear.

“You’ve chosen the wrong enemy, Sebastian. Now ask me nicely,” I demand with a smirk, which earns me a howl from whoever is behind me lapping this up like he’s watching a fucking movie.

Seb’s nostrils flare as he blows out a tense breath.

“I hope you know that I could have you on your back in two seconds flat if I wanted to,” he warns. “I could fuck you over right here in front of the entire sixth form.”

His words fall very far from the mark. He might be used to others being scared of him, but he won’t get it from me.

His jaw tics as my only reaction is to laugh.

“Even if you did have the balls, you know I’d cut it off with your own knife before you got anywhere close.”

Tension and hate crackle between us as I press my knee in harder.

The bell rings around us and the rustling of people starting to move about fills my ears, but the attention on the two of us never leaves.

“What are you lot doing?” a deep voice barks down the hallway. “Get to class.”