Needing to act before I’m caught, I head for what I hope is the bathroom door, and after blowing out a long breath, I throw it open and step inside, ready to pounce on her.

Only, the room is empty.

“Fuck,” I bark, spinning around, half expecting her to attack me from behind, but there’s no one.

Not wanting to leave without letting her know that I’ve been here, I find an abandoned lipstick on her dresser and leave her a message on her bathroom mirror. It’s old school, but I kinda like it.

I’m still smiling to myself as I head back down the stairs, but it’s soon wiped away when I come face to face with an older lady with a rolling pin in her hand.

“Oh… uh… I was looking for Stella,” I say, holding her eyes as if I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

“She’s gone out with a friend. Is there something I can help you with?”

“Uh, no. Her car was here so I just assumed… I’ll call her instead. I’m so sorry if I scared you.”

I take off toward the door that allowed me inside, her narrowed eyes following me the entire way.

“Have a good evening,” I say, shooting her my best smile before disappearing from sight.

When I get back to my car, I find my phone where I left it in the centre console lit up like Oxford Street at Christmas.

Theo’s name flashes across the top and I groan. He’s discovered I’ve disappeared.

“Fucking hell,” I mutter when I find that was only one of fifteen calls since I left my car.

It takes him all of thirty seconds to try again.

“What?” I bark when the call connects.

“Where the fuck are you?”


“Seb, what have you done?”

“What makes you think I’ve done anything?”

“Because you’re pissed, and I’m more than aware of some of the fucked-up choices you’ve made in the past.”

“I’m not going to do anything stupid.” Like break into the Doukas house and steal a pair of Stella’s knickers like a creepy stalker.

“You need to get back here.”

“Why? Is Alex off his head again?” I ask, although I know he’s not. I stole his joint and I feel fine. Whatever was in that one on Monday afternoon clearly wasn’t in today’s.

“Just get your arse back here.”

“Yeah, fine. Whatever.”

I almost ignore him, get on Facebook and see if I can find where Stella’s emo friend lives, but in the end, I decide I’ve probably stalked her enough for one night and follow orders like a good little soldier.

Nico’s driveway is packed when I pull back up, and it makes me wonder how long I’ve actually been gone. The party had barely started when I left, but it seems to be in full flow right now.

I abandon my car, blocking a lot of others in, but I don’t give it a second thought as I head inside.

The sun is starting to set, the temperature cooling quickly as we head toward autumn, but that doesn’t bother the kids of Knight’s Ridge who are happy to hang out drinking in Nico’s front garden.

Eyes follow my movement toward the front doors. Guys watch me with jealousy in their eyes while the girls watch with desire.