
Imight have learned something from this afternoon, because when I get to Stella, Calli and Toby, I don’t reach for her. Hell, I don’t even touch her.

She’s got her eyes closed, her head resting back on Toby’s shoulder as she moves with him.

My teeth grind as I watch them, my frustration reaching dangerous levels.

Calli sees me coming and wisely steps aside to allow me in front of Stella.

Toby’s eyes find mine, narrowing in warning, but I couldn’t give a fuck what he thinks.

Stella Doukas is mine, and it’s time he learned that.

I press the length of my body against her and her eyes ping open, locking on mine.

Reaching out, I wrap my fingers around her throat and lean in.

“You’re not welcome here.”

Instead of being scared like most, a smile curls at her lips.

“Fuck you. I was invited. Maybe you’re the one who’s not wanted here.”

“Seb, just leave it,” Toby barks.

“Butt. The. Fuck. Out, Ariti.” His nostrils flare in irritation and his lips press into a thin line as if he’s preparing to fight me on it.

He can try all he fucking likes. He’s already wearing the evidence of how that went the last time he tried to get involved. “Let’s go.” I drag Stella away from him, my grip on her throat tightening.

Surprisingly, she doesn’t fight me. I have no idea if that’s because she’s drunk or if she’s just as much as a masochist I am and wants to see where this is going too.

I walk her backward through the crowd, which thankfully parts for me now they’re aware that something is going on. She stumbles in her heels but I don’t let up or allow her to turn around.

I don’t owe her any niceties.

“Seb, let her go,” Calli screams behind us. “Seb.” Her small hand lands on my shoulder and I shrug her off.

“Toby, put the kid on a lead.”

“Fuck you, Sebastian.”

“This doesn’t concern you, baby C.”

“It does when you’re manhandling my friend,” she continues, still following us as I move Stella through the kitchen.

“You don’t want to be friends with this piece of shit, Cal.” I glance over at her. “I mean, look at the whore she’s turned you into.”


I should have known that looking away from the feisty bitch was the wrong move.

My cheek burns from the slap and I suck in a sharp breath as I try to talk myself down from snapping her neck right here and now.

Shaking my head slowly, I hold her eyes.

“You’re going to regret that.”