Ripping my eyes from him, I sit up and for the first time take note of what I’m wearing—or not, as the case may be.

The image of him stuffing my ruined panties into his pocket fills my mind, and I squeeze my thighs together, earning me a chuckle from the guy beside me.

“What?” I snap.

“Princess, you’ve got nothing left to hide.”

Dropping my head into my hands, I press my thumbs into my temples.

What the hell happened last night?

Without looking at anyone—namely the angry guy on the couch—I throw back two of the pills and drain the glass of water.

Silence ripples through the room, aside from Nico and Alex’s snoring. The tension is thick, completely unbearable as eyes burn into my back.

“Excuse me,” I mutter, pushing from the bed. The words aren’t directed at anyone specifically, and no one replies as I make my way across the room, my body aching, my head pounding with every step I take.

“Jesus,” I whisper when I get closer to Nico and find both him and his two little friends stark naked on the floor. How much did they drink to not notice yet?

At least Alex still has his pants on as I pass him curled up on the pool table.

There aren’t any other bodies loitered around like I’d have expected, and it makes me wonder who was with it enough to actually clear the place out.

I wonder what happened upstairs. Are there still people up there passed out and regretting their alcohol-fuelled decisions from the night before?

What happened to Calli?

My heart sinks knowing that I abandoned her after promising I’d keep an eye on her. Everything flew straight out the window as soon as Seb dragged me down here into the basement of sin.

His stare still burns into my back as I slip into the bathroom and close the door behind me, cutting myself off from everything that happened out there last night. It’s not until I turn around that I realize my mistake. I might have left some regrets on the other side of the door, but I have plenty from in here, too.

My thigh aches as I vividly remember Seb on his knees before me, cutting into my skin.


Was he right, though? Did his initials on my thigh stop anyone else fucking me?

Shit. I wish I could remember how I ended up wearing only Theo’s shirt and passing out beside him on Nico’s bed.

Lowering myself to the toilet, I drop my head into my hands. I groan out my frustrations at myself.

Why did I agree to come here last night?

I picture Calli’s sweet face and remember all the things she told me about being smothered by the guys on the other side of the door, along with her father and the rest of the Family.

Fuck. The Family.

I sit bolt upright, snippets of our conversation flashing through my mind.

I need to go home and do some research. I need to speak to Dad. I need to…

I sigh, my shoulders sagging once more. Will he even tell me the truth?

All my life I’ve trusted my father. Through all our moves, his absence in my life, I’ve always trusted that he was doing what was best for me.

But keeping something like this a secret?

It’s rocked me, and my trust in the man I love more than anything is hanging right in the balance.