Page 22 of Black

“You son of a bitch, I should have known not to trust you. Don’t you ever darken my doorstep again. Faithless ass.” Ann stood there looking at me with disgust in those whiskey eyes of hers. Then, turning and walking away back toward the clubhouse.

Fuck no, she has no right after I saw her with another man. I jumped up, fastening my jeans and going after her, and catching her before she could leave. Grabbing her by the arm and spinning her around.

“Get your damn hands off me, Black,” Ann yelled at me, pushing me away, breathing heavy, causing her chest to rise and fall.

“Why are you so mad? It’s not like we are in a relationship. I can fuck who I want, just like you are.” I smirked at her wanting to hurt her as she hurt me.

She looked at me, confused. “Whatever, Black, just leave me the hell alone.” Ann turned to walk away again, but I once again grabbed her back to face me. By now, we were gaining an audience.

“I saw you today, with that man having lunch, and you have the nerve to come here and judge me,” I snarled, my breathing causing my nostrils to flare to the point I felt like I was going to breathe fire.

Realization dawned on her features and something else I couldn’t place in my drunken mind. “Stay away from me, Black. I mean it. Forget we ever met,” she spat at me, trying to pull herself free of me. My hold tightened.

“Aren’t you at least going to try and make an excuse? Who will fuck you good and hard like you need it if you let me go?” I watched her face fill with fury as she brought her hand back and slapped me across the face, struggling to get loose.

“What the fuck is going on here? Black let her go, now,” Shadow yelled, while Kickstand came up and knocked my drunken ass to the ground, leading Ann into the clubhouse.

Shadow walked over, looking down at me. “What the hell is wrong with you, putting your hands on Ann like that? Get your drunken ass up and go sleep it off. I don’t want to see you back out here tonight.” Shadow turned and followed the rest of the crowd gathered back inside.

“Black, I’m not trying to interfere or anything, but I heard what you said about the man at lunch, and Ann wasn’t alone with that man. Inside there were about ten others. Looked to be a meeting or something. So when I saw you leave, I decided to go in and get some lunch for myself, and when the meeting was done, the whole group went back to the office,” Johnny said, looking at me like I should have known that and then walking away.

Fuck! I’m an idiot.

I let my jealousy take over and reacted impulsively, and I have royally screwed up. What I did will not be forgiven by Ann. After the way I treated her and seeing me with Brooke, I was done; Ann didn’t strike me as the forgiving kind.

Pushing myself up, I stumbled into the clubhouse, ignoring the dirty looks thrown my way by the others. I made my way up to my room, falling on the bed and groaning into my pillow. The last thought in my head was, how am I going to fix this?


WHEN Igot home after work, I noticed Black wasn’t there, and he had been waiting on me when I got home for the last week. I got worried and sent him a text message getting no answer. Something was off, and I knew it. By seven that evening, I had heard nothing from Black and decided to find out for myself what was up, so I drove out to the clubhouse.

I could see a party was going on around the bonfire out back and knew in my gut that was where Black was. I don’t know what happened between this morning and now, but something was wrong. I pushed my feet to take me to the party, walking to the edge and looking around for Black.

And my heart sank, nausea hitting my stomach.

There was Black with that blond between his legs, opening his jeans, and he was looking down at her head.

Why would he do this?

I wasn’t a wilting flower. I marched over to Black, letting him know how I felt, only not expecting him to follow me. The asshole was angry at me. What did I do? Then when he grabbed me, not letting me go, and accused me of meeting some guy, I was lost until I remembered walking to lunch with Jacob for the associate's lunch meeting.

And then, to say what he did, I wanted to slap him all over again. How could he treat me that way? He let jealousy ruin what we had been building—getting drunk and running to the first woman he could find. That I would not tolerate and would not forgive, the image of that woman getting ready to pleasure Black will be forever in my mind.

Why didn’t he just talk to me first?

“Ann, are you okay? Why don’t you stay here tonight,” Mary said, her face full of pity and worry.

I refused to be pitied. “I’m fine, Mary, and I just need to go home and relax and forget this evening. Tomorrow is a new day.”

“I can stay with you if you need me. If you want to be alone, I can have a prospect keep an eye on you tonight,” Kickstand said, being helpful as usual. Though I wish he would have given Black an extra kick for me.

“I would like to be alone; I appreciate the offer, though,” I replied. I wanted nothing more than to be alone in my misery.

“Okay, you have my number. Someone will be watching your place, so don’t worry,” Kickstand said, hugging me, taking me by surprise, and then walking away.

Mary was next to hug. “I’m sorry, Ann, I can’t believe Black would treat you that way.”

“It’s fine, Mary. I will be good as new in the morning, and all will be forgotten. Now I’m going to head out.”

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels