I grinned at her and pulled her into a hug. I wanted to erase the memories that these steps held. Forget the pain, sorrow, and loss. The only way to do that was to create a new happier moment that started right here and now, with this simple hug. I held back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes; my mother would never understand how much this meant to me.

Someone cleared their throat, pulling us from our embrace. My mother smiled at me again before grabbing my arm and walking with me up the stairs to the other males. I scanned over them, watching as their faces held various emotions. My father and the Beta’s faces beamed with pride, and Axel looked like he had seen a ghost.

Father’s Beta came up to me with his hand out. I grasped his firmly, shaking it. He used his other hand to clap me on the shoulder, his smile broadening. “You’ve filled out, little man.”

I nodded with a smile, and my dad came forward, looking me over with approval. I now had a couple of inches on him. Which he thought was funny as he chuckled while he grabbed my hand. He hadn’t been much of a hugger even when Archer was alive.

“What did they feed you there? You’re almost as big as grandpa.”

“Nothing they don’t feed everyone else.” I laughed while shaking his hand. My gaze went to Axel, he had become bulkier since I left, but he was six years older than me. He hadn’t changed much in the four years of my training. His blond hair was short, and his green eyes stared at me, taking me in, which I assumed he was doing to see if he could still make my life miserable. When he locked eyes with me, he quickly dropped them. His face had claw marks on one side, down below his jaw. They must’ve been recent since they hadn’t been there when I left.

Axel and Lucas hung back as we headed into the packhouse. One of the omega’s had come and gotten my stuff, running it up the stairs. They had redecorated, and everything looked new. Couches and end tables sparkled under the contemporary chandelier, the walls were freshly painted, and grey curtains hung loosely on their rods.

I spotted a group of she-wolves trying to hide as they peeked around the corner in one of the halls. Giggling erupted from them when they caught me glancing their way. Ignoring them, I followed my dad to his office. All the she-wolves would hear of my arrival here in the next few hours.

My father opened the door, and we all filed in, where he went and sat behind his desk. My mother and I sat down on the love seat, and the Beta, Axel, and Lucas took the chairs. We all waited for my father to start talking. My mother kept her hand on my forearm as though she had to remind herself that I had really returned to her.

I took a deep breath before turning to my father—he, apparently, wasn’t going to be the first to talk, and the atmosphere in the room was becoming suffocating. “Is there a reason you brought us to your office? You only bring people here if it’s important.”

“It’s because it is important, Nolen. You will be turning eighteen here in the next few weeks. We are going to set up a party, and I know that you don’t like parties, but this is important, you will be shifting for the first time, and I feel like we need to celebrate that.” My father sat in his chair, waiting for my reply. I knew when mother called at the Quartzite pack this wouldn’t have been dropped. There was no way I could think about getting out of this.

“Sweetheart, we can invite the Quartzite pack! I know you have made lots of friends over there, including Sawyer. I hear he found his mate!” My mother turned between my father and me. Her hand squeezed mine, bringing my attention fully to her, which then started me thinking. If we invited the Quartzite pack, that would mean Amora would come, right?

All I could think about was the potential of seeing her again, and if a party would bring her to me, then I would do anything to see her. Glancing over to my mother, I nodded to her in agreement. “Yeah, that’s fine. What’s life without a little fun?”

My father’s hand cupped his chin as he thought it all over. At first, I thought he would say no. He then glanced over at me and stood from his chair, leaning on his hands. “I don’t see why we couldn’t invite the Quartzite pack. Go on up to your room and settle in. We will deal with everything.”

I stood up, and I could tell the difference in their demeanor toward me. Nodding to my parents and then the Beta, I walked out of the room. Making my way down the hallway, I heard footsteps behind me; I knew it was Axel before turning to go up the stairs. Our eyes met as I stood on the second step, which made me tower over him even more. “Is there something you want to say to me?”

Axel shifted on his feet and ran his hand through his hair. I could see the beads of sweat on his forehead as he finally glanced up at me. “Nolen, I know I wasn’t the best person to you, and I have a lot of things to make up for. I know that I’m not your first choice as your second, but I can promise that I can do this job.”

I stared at him as he shifted nervously in place as I continued to make eye contact with him. Letting him and his wolf know that I wouldn’t be bullied by him again.

“Yeah, you have a lot to make up for and prove for me to be able to trust you. If for any reason I doubt your ability to put this pack and me above yourself, I will replace you.”

The shocked look on Axel’s face turned to determination as he bowed his head to me. I nodded back and proceeded up the stairs to my room.

The weeks passed by reasonably fast. I continued my training, and our Beta learned that putting me one-on-one with others my age was not the best idea. He started pairing me up with older wolves who had experience, and their wolves. Even then, he would have to put two against me to make it fair.

The pack that once teased and bullied me now gazed at me in amazement. They all surrounded me during my sparing sessions and stared at me each time I took down more experienced wolves in the ring. But they wouldn’t come near me or speak to me; each one would submit when I came near.

When I had walked through the grounds after I got back home that day, many wolves had stopped what they were doing and stared at me. I’d kept my gaze from lingering on them too long as I took in the new buildings and the ones being remodeled.

I had continued through the small town, taking in the beauty of the changing leaves. Riddled with pines and oaks, the forest kept the patrol wolves hidden as they ran through the underbrush at the boundary line. Galloping feet echoed through the trees, making my heart race with them. I couldn’t wait to be able to be out there running as Sarge.

I love this place, my favorite place to clear my mind. Sarge’s ears were forward, his nostrils flaring like he could smell the forest scents.

You will be running these lands soon.

My father had sent an invitation to the Quartzite pack, and they were coming tonight for my birthday tomorrow. This was the only reason I had agreed to even have a party—to have the chance to see Amora again. That was, if she decided to come, which was my prayer that she would.

I walked into Archer’s old room; my parents had not touched it since he died. I liked to go there to think when I needed to step away from everything. This was my safe place, the place I could come when my mind needed to get away from everything.

The room still held a hint of his scent. Pictures of him and his friends sat on his dresser, and a picture of him and I sat in front of all the other images.

I felt like he was still with me when I stood in his room. Looking around the space, I detected that only my scent was there, along with his fading one. My footprints in the dust were littered throughout the room where I walked around, pacing, thinking about the times I had with Archer.

“Nolen, are you in here again?” I heard Archer say as he opened his door.

C.L. Ledford's Novels