“Can I kiss you again?” I realized I sounded desperate, but she had allowed me to kiss her for the first time, and now I wanted to kiss her all night if she would let me.


I didn’t think twice before crashing my lips back on hers.

A sharp rap on my door yanked me from my slumber. I sat up, glancing around the room, trying to get my bearings. The door to Amora’s room stood wide open, and I glanced beside me. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her in my bed under the covers. The knock came again, and the person on the other side tried to open the door. The knob jiggled, and I was glad that it was reinforced with Tungsten rods.

Good thing I made you lock that last night. Sarge swept his tail from side to side as he laid down in my mind as if he was as content as a fish in a bowl.

I lifted the covers to ensure that her clothes remained on her body, and to my satisfaction, they were. She was still a minor, even though she was my mate. I was sure I would be reprimanded for anything that happened to her.

“Nolen! Open the door, man. You need to be getting ready! You’ve slept almost all day.” Sawyer’s voice sounded muffled behind the door. My brain went into overdrive as I tried to figure out how to move Amora out of my bed. There was no way he didn’t realize she was in my room.

“Yeah! I’m getting up. Be out in a minute.” Sawyer’s footsteps faded away, and, luckily, he didn’t go to Amora’s room.

I turned to Amora’s sleeping form beside me and shook her softly. Her eyes fluttered open, and I heard her heart start to race in panic. “Hey, it’s okay. Nothing happened.”

She did the same thing I did and lifted the covers from her body before she started to calm back down. “Oh, my Goddess, Nolen. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have come to you. I don’t know what made me act like that! And we kissed, Nolen.” Her hand went up to her mouth as she stared at me, her eyes as big as saucers.

“I don’t regret the kiss, do you?” I started to think I should have refused her and told her to go back to her room.I’m glad you didn’t.“I asked you if you wanted me to kiss you, you said yes.”

“I don’t regret it. But how did we end up in bed together?” She lowered her gaze to her hands, which were resting in her lap. Her messy hair hid her face from my gaze.

You both were pretty passionate about the kissing. I’m surprised you’re both are alive. I didn’t know if you were going to come up to breathe.I grabbed her chin, making her look back at me; she seemed about to cry. “I don’t remember laying down with you. But you are still clothed, and so am I. Nothing happened, and I wouldn’t disrespect you like that.”

Amora lunged into me, hugging me from the side. I pulled her into my lap so that both of us would be more comfortable. She didn’t try to stop me and tightened her grip around my neck. I rubbed her back as we sat there on my bed. Amora sat back on my legs and gazed into my eyes. “So, I was your first kiss?”

“Was I that bad?”

“No, it’s just I didn’t ever think I would be someone’s first kiss. I mean, I don’t know.” Her eyes searched mine, and I didn’t want to leave this room. I wanted to stay right here until she could recognize the bond.

“Well, if you don’t want to get caught in my bed by your brother, I suggest you head to your room. He has already been banging on my door. We slept for a while, and the ceremony will be starting soon,” I told her as I tucked a lock of her hair behind her ears.

“Really! I need time to get ready!” Amora jumped off me and raced into her room. She forgot to close the door, and I laughed at her as I got up. I leaned against the door frame, watching her dig through her bag, pulling out an outfit, bra, and panties. Amora grabbed up all her clothes and headed into the bathroom to change.

I turned away from the open entrance and went over to my walk-in closet, where I took a collared shirt, dress pants, and a vest from the hangers. Putting everything on, I exited the small room and opened the top drawer of my dresser, grabbing socks so that I could put on my shoes. Sitting down on my bed, I slipped on my socks and dress shoes.

When I glanced over to the open doorway, a smile grew on my face. Amora had on a tight-fitting black dress and high heels. She sat at the vanity, fixing up her hair and starting on her make-up. “Hey, not too much, okay?”

She glanced over at me and snickered before staring back at herself in the mirror. I liked her without too much make-up, and no make-up at all. Amora stood up and admired herself in the mirror then turned to me. “You want to walk down with me? Or do you think people would talk?”

Amora smiled and then sauntered up to me, readjusting my vest a bit before glancing up to me. “Do you think they will talk?”

“I could care less if they do. I just don’t want you getting hurt.” I ran my thumb across her cheek, tilting her head up to me.

“Nolen, with you by my side, no one will hurt me. And besides, I’m not a damsel in distress.” She winked at me before she placed a chaste kiss on my lips.

Smirking at her, I took a deep breath of her before I laid my cheek next to hers as I whispered, “You kissed me that time. Are we going to be kissing friends?”

“I’ll never tell.” She wove her arm with mine, giving me a mischievous glance, and I opened the door.

I overheard everyone downstairs milling about, waiting for me to arrive at the hall where the stage sat. Axel and Lucas were pacing the bottom of the stairs until they glanced up and saw Amora and me descending the stairs.

“Damn, man, how long can you sleep? The alpha was about to come up there to throw you out of bed.” Lucas’s gaze went from me to Amora and then back again with a not-too-subtle wink.

Huffing, I rolled my eyes as Axel shrugged and then started ahead of us. I motioned for the red-headed wolf to follow him since they both would be up on stage with me. He finally took the hint and followed Axel, and I glanced over to Amora before going after them. “You okay with walking with me to the stage? You realize all those un-mated she-wolves may press you.”

“I’m not afraid of them, Nolen. If you remember, I’m of alpha blood as well.”

C.L. Ledford's Novels