The snarls and growls and yelps from the wolves around us were background noise to me. All that was on my mind was Wade and how I would dispatch him from this world for taking my brother, my pack, and my title from me. This wolf would have no mercy from me; he would only understand the pain and the person who gave it.

Wade got up slowly this time but rushed me again, grabbing hold of a clump of fur from my neck and ripping it out. Sarge snarled, snapping his teeth at the wolf before him. This time, we charged him, grabbing hold of his leg and snapping it between our massive jaws. His yelp came quick, and he staggered backward; he would have no help this time to take me down. I would show him what real power was like as I took his life from him.

This will be for Archer. I will avenge his death with the death of this man, I pledged to Sarge. He surged forward, his massive muscles strained under skin and fur, sending him quicker to the brown wolf that stood on three legs waiting for us. I was almost upon him when I heard her yelp, bringing my attention to the grey and black wolf and grey wolf that fought near the side of the garden by the packhouse.

Lucas had a hold of the brown wolf whose teeth were around my mate’s paw. Lucas kept inching his teeth closer and closer to the attacking wolf’s throat. I ran to them without hesitation, sinking my teeth into the other side of the wolf’s neck, yanking out a pound of flesh. After the wolf dropped to the ground, I went up to my mate. Licking her paw and nestling into her neck.

Lucas stood guard over us as I made sure that Amora was fine. I licked her paw once more before searching for the other alpha. His wolves had started to surrender, shifting back to their human form, kneeling on the ground. Spotting the Dolostone Alpha running away again, I sprinted after him. He was not going to get away this time.

I sprinted through the underbrush, him stumbling as Sarge leaped and weaved through it. Gaining on him, we lunged, grabbing hold of the back of his neck with my teeth and, using my weight, pulled him down into the dirt. We fought on the ground. Sarge tore into him as he tried to stand. He finally used his feet to push me off him.

His blood dripped from my mouth as it poured from his wounds. Hair was scattered in the dirt and bushes as we snarled at each other. Howls sounded out in victory from the Quartzite and Rhyolite packs. Wade’s eyes searched the trees while his ears swiveled, listening for anything other than the howling.

I took that moment and charged, coming under his head, and latching my teeth around his jugular. Shaking and tearing at his throat, his blood poured down on my face like a waterfall. The older Alpha fell to the ground; his eyes glanced up at me before the life faded from them.

I raised my head to the sky and howled at the moon. Letting Selene know I was victorious, and the others in the pack replied back.

Padding through the forest, I spotted the silver light again. Knowing who it was, I followed her through the underbrush and into one of the clearings. She stood there; her hands folded in front of her as she waited for me.

Shifting back to human form, she clothed me as I came up to her, kneeling and baring my neck to her in submission, I waited for her to say something. Selene lifted my head, bringing my attention to her face. She smiled at me as she motioned for me to rise.

Rising to my feet, I stood before her. Her hands went to my upper arms, giving them a gentle squeeze before she placed a hand on the side of my face. “I knew you could do it, Nolen. You’ve brought three packs together that would not have been if you were not alpha. I am so proud of you, Nolen. You have exceeded my expectations, and I have gifts for you.”

“I’m glad that this is all over. My pack will be able to rest easy now that Wade is gone. They will be able to get their lives back together again.” A familiar scent wafted between us; the adrenaline from my fight must have been playing games with my mind. There was no way that his scent could be here on this plane.

“There is someone who wants to speak with you, Nolen.” I gave Selene a curious glance as she motioned to her right. My heart dropped when my eyes landed on my brother, who stood there with his goofy smile on his face. I turned my attention to Selene, and she nodded, motioning again to go to him.

Making my way forward to him, I realized that he had no physical form, and he was whole. I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks of their own accord. Every time I was near the Moon Goddess, I became emotional. When I got to him, I no longer had to gaze up, we were the same height, and we could now pass for twins. “Archer?”

“Yeah, little bro. You’ve grown into a badass alpha.” His voice sounded the same other than the wispy undertone. I tried to touch his arm, but my hand went through him. Tears streamed faster down my face. The person I admired more than anyone stood before me, telling me I was a badass when I felt anything but at the moment.

“I’ve missed you so much, so has mother and dad. The pack misses you,” I told him as I sat down in the grass. He sat with me, gazing into my eyes. It felt so surreal staring at him in this form.

“I know you, mom, and dad miss me. The pack misses me a tiny bit, but they have faith in you, little brother. You are their alpha, and I couldn’t be more proud of what you have accomplished. Your mate is feisty.” He chuckled as he mentioned Amora. I chuckled as well as I fiddled with a blade of grass.

“She will definitely keep me on my toes. But I wouldn’t trade her for anyone.” Glancing up from the sliver of green in my hands I was now tying in on itself. Archer’s grin made me snort to myself. Sarge whimpered inside my head, wanting to talk with him as well.

“Sarge has been taking care of you. You released him early, which means you were always going to be stronger than me.” I shook my head at his words; there was no way that I would be anywhere near as strong as him. He would always be the strongest in my eyes, even if someone wanted to argue differently.

“Archer, I don’t know what to do about the rest of the Dolostone pack. How do I know who to trust? I’m sorry I couldn’t protect Axel.” My gaze went to my lap. I needed guidance and didn’t know who else to ask than the most intelligent person I ever knew. His cool astral form passed through my shoulder, bringing my attention back to him.

“Nolen, they are part of your pack now. Most of the Dolostone wolves didn’t like Alpha Wade, and deep down, you understand why. This was your destiny, and it has only just begun. Just remember that I’m always with you even when I’m not physically. I’m glad Sarge got a second chance. He deserved it. Axel is fine now, he is with us. I’m glad you got to see him at his best before he went.” Tears filled his eyes at the mention of our wolf, and I decided that he needed to see him just as much as me.

Hey, bud, you want to take over? Spend some time with Archer? I thought to Sarge. His tail beat excitedly, and I let the massive animal have control. He shifted, landing on all four paws in one fluid motion, before he sat in front of my brother, his tongue hanging out like a dog. "Hey, there, big guy. It's kinda weird seeing you like this. You keeping my brother safe?" His hand came down on reflex, but this time didn't go through Sarge but caressed his head like a pet. Sarge nudged his hand before he licked it and stood bumping his head into Archer's chest. Archer chuckled and massaged both Sarge's ears. I would never let anything happen to Nolen, Archer. I promised you when I came back I would protect him.

“I appreciate that you did, Sarge, and I’m so glad that you have each other. Help him protect the pack and y’all’s mate. Take care of each other.” Archer gazed into our eyes as he started to fade away back from where he came. Selene smiled at Sarge and vanished as well. I couldn’t help but cry, which made Sarge lift his head, and a sorrowful howl escaped his mouth, telling the world our sorrow as other howls rang out after ours.

Chapter Twenty-Three: Changing Minds

Reaching the edge of the woods, I stopped to gaze upon the scene before me. Bodies littered the land as pack members went around checking for the living. I went forward, stepping over the bodies that no longer carried life. My eyes searched for my mate to ensure she was okay since I had not been by her side the entire time but couldn’t find her in the field. Trotting by a few pack members, they bowed their heads before resuming what they had been doing. As I made my way to the pack’s center, more pack members surrounded me and bowed their heads. When I made it to the packhouse, my parents stood on the steps, along with Lucas and Amora. Warrior wolves surrounded Dolostone members. I stared at them; some of them were young kids, and probably hadn’t even possessed their wolves for more than a year. They were scared, their eyes wide as saucers as they sat there staring at Sarge as I walked by them.

I shifted, and Amora ran down the steps, jumping into my arms. Hugging her tighter to me, I was fully aware I was naked and that just her touch turned me on. The anxiety that ran through me dissipated as soon as she touched me. Her scent calmed me more than she would ever know; nuzzling into her mark, I walked up the stairs with her in my arms. “I missed you so much.”

“Nolen, I’ve been here the entire time.” Amora kissed my mark with a giggle, causing me to shiver. I placed her down on her feet in front of me. My mother brought me some shorts, which I put on and gave my mother a hug. Breaking the embrace, I gazed upon her healing face. The wolf that did this to her was immediately executed by my father once Harley broke him out of the dungeon.

“I’m fine, Nolen. Let’s send these people to bed. Things can be cleaned up later.” My mother’s hand rested on my cheek as she gazed into my eyes. Grinning at her, I nodded and turned to my pack that had gathered around the pack steps.

“Pack members, sleep for the rest of the night. Once it is light, we will all come out to pick up the dead. In three days, we will hold a funeral for the wolves lost in this battle, along with those who have yet to have their funeral. Dolostone wolves that surrendered, for the time being, will go down to our dungeons. I promise that no harm or maltreatment will befall you.” Nodding to the warrior wolves, they stood the Dolostone wolves up and led them to the dungeon. The younger wolves seemed scared as they followed my warriors. The older ones glared at me. I knew what they thought; they figured I was lying, something they were most likely used to.

C.L. Ledford's Novels