It was a bible like no other, and this was not merely because each of its page was made of the thinnest layer of glass.

"My name is Persephone, and I am the goddess of spring."

As it had done with the others, the bible released a bright golden light, and with this Persephone's claim was proven admissible and true.

Gabriel's bible only exhibited power within the judicious walls of Eunomia's courtroom, and to not lie about one's identity was all the bible demanded. This, however, was not limited to the individual's given name or age. One's divine dominion was also covered by this ruling, and Nemesis believed that this was their ultimate key to stripping Hades' new wife of everything that once belonged to Persephone.

Her title.

Her powers.

And if her client could play her cards right, Persephone might even reclaim her right to the Lord of the Underworld himself.

"The court now asks for the defendant, the Lady of the Underworld, to take the stand."

A taut silence filled the courtroom as they watched the goddess of justice turn towards the empty seat next to the Lord of the Underworld.

The clerk rushed to Hades and bowed before bursting into speech. "May I ask about your wife, milord?"

"She should be here soon," the god answered calmly.

The clerk started fidgeting in his feet. "The opposing party would have to agree to wait—-"

The Lord of the Underworld turned to the goddess of vengeance. "Would you agree to wait for my wife, Nemesis?"

"Is she so lacking in manners...or is it a matter of lacking intellect that she thinks it is still fashionable to be late in this kind of occasion?"

The sound of the courtroom doors flying open saved Hades from replying—-


This was from the spring goddess herself, and Hades' lips pressed together upon hearing it.


Slender arms wrapped around his neck from behind a moment later, and uncaring of the number of gazes upon them, Hades turned his head and surprised his wife by catching her mouth in a long and drugging kiss.

It was only now, with her soft lips under his, and his tongue driving deep into the moist sweetness of her mouth...

Only now did the god realize how her absence had made him feel cold and empty. Without Saoirse beside him, he had found himself becoming Hades again, and only now that she was back in his arms...

While the rest of the world saw him as the Lord of the Underworld, to this woman he was simply the man she had fallen in love with. Instead of seeing him as a god, Saoirse only saw him as her Hadrian, and it was for this reason he also knew...

No matter the results of today's hearing, he would never give her up.

Saoirse appeared dazed when Hades lifted his head. "Um..." Her tone was soft and breathless. "Wow?"

Hearing this, the crowd of immortals cheered and laughed, and Eunomia herself had to fight back a smile even as she banged her gavel hard and called for order. It was quite, quite wonderful to see dear Hades acting like a young man again, but since rules were rules, and her divine dominion required that she be strict—-

Hades' lips twitched as he watched a squirming Saoirse, now standing inside the witness box, alternate between hanging her head in shame and mumbling an apology as Eunomia lectured her over proper courtroom etiquette.

The fact that she had been missing for almost twenty-four hours was something the god would also like to lecture her about, but for now...

His chest tightened as he watched Saoirse listen attentively while the clerk explained how she would be sworn in...along with the deadly and eternal consequences she would pay if she were to lie about her identity.

Hades himself hadn't been lying when he told Saoirse he had long given up actively trying to keep her out of trouble. Be that as it may, however, such a decision did not preclude him from feeling fear and worry. He still experienced that in fucking spades, and Hades couldn't keep himself from clenching his fists as he watched his beloved wife take the bible from the clerk's hands——

Gaea bewitched!

Oh my Gaea!

Gaea save me!

Cries of horror filled the courtroom when Saoirse accidentally lost hold of the bible—-

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

—-only to bend down and catch it in time.

Explosive sighs of relief followed, and even Eunomia herself looked as if she had been seconds away from having a heart attack.

Been there, done that, Hades thought resignedly, and he truly wouldn't wish this kind of feeling even on his worst enemy.

For Saoirse's second attempt to swear in, the clerk had decided to play it safe and keep the glass bible securely in his possession. "If you please, milady, would you place your hand—-"

Saoirse's hand slammed so hard on the glass bible the clerk let out a squeak of terror—-