Hades closed his eyes.


This was fucking torture.

He opened his eyes...and saw that the clerk looked close to crying as he shakily assured Eunomia and the rest of the courtroom that the glass bible was still intact.

"I'm sorry," Saoirse said in a small voice.

"It's fine, milady," the clerk said quickly. "But if you could please place your hand very, very gently..."

Everyone held their breath as the current Lady of the Underworld oh so slowly lowered her hand—-

So, so very slowly and carefully that everyone who had held their breath was now struggling with what little oxygen remained in their hands.

And as her palm finally came into contact with the cold, hard glass of Gabriel's bible, Saoirse began to speak in a soft, clear voice.

"My name is Saoirse. Wife to Hades—-"

Persephone's lips tightened in fury.

"And thus Lady of the Underworld—-"

Saoirse's lips curved as her gaze met her husband's.

"And the reincarnated Heavenly Goddess of Luck."

A stunned silence swept over the room, and even the goddess of justice herself was staring at Saoirse as if questioning the other woman's sanity.

Nemesis glared hard at the bible. Come on, come on. Turn fucking red now, you little piece of—-


Rays of light shot out from the bible under Saoirse's hand, and the sight had the crowd of immortals expelling their breaths in simultaneous gasps of amazement. That light! They had never seen the bible release rays of light so blindingly bright they practically dazzled like beams of gold.

For Gabriel's bible to make such a visually powerful confirmation was completely unprecedented, and the air inside the courtroom began to crackle with anticipation as the crowd saw the spring goddess stagger back in disbelief while the present Lady of the Underworld and newly-proclaimed Heavenly Goddess of Luck—-

Saoirse winked at her handsome husband and just had one oh-so-eloquent word to say.


The End

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