Her words are cut off by a booming explosion. The entire floor rocks, and I see the panic in Glenda's eyes before she looks up at Henry fearfully.

"It's them. I'm so sorry, Henry. I didn't see them coming. I was too busy with you two."

"That's okay," Henry tells her as he leaps into action, rushing to my side to gather me up into his arms.

But I'm not having any of his male chauvinism. I've gone too long without answers. "Put me down!" I thrash in his hold. "I'm not what, Glenda?" I ask her hurriedly, begging her to finish her sentence.

"There's no time," Henry shakes his head as another boom rocks through the floor. His feet sway with the vibrations as his arms form a steel band around me, refusing to let me go.

"Take her someplace safe, Henry!" Glenda barks as she stands and turns toward her door. "I'll hold them off for as long as I can, but it's imperative you get out of here!"

Henry nods in understanding, but I want to scream. I was so close to getting more answers! But now Glenda's ominous statement plays at the forefront of my mind. The question is burning at me. What am I not?

I could kill Henry for keeping me from finding out the answer. I don't get the chance to protest further, though, because suddenly there's a pulling, whirlwind sensation around us, and I find myself clinging tighter to him now rather than pushing away. It's like we're swept up in a vortex, and then suddenly all is still again.

I peek open my eyes and gasp when I see that we're in something that looks like a cave underground. Only a few candles are flickering in the space of wherever we are, and I don't even have the courage to ask.

I still when my eyes light on a coffin, and I realize we're in a crypt. I glance up at Henry and one look at his face tells me the answer. It'shiscrypt.

"Put me down," I hiss at him, angry all over again that he cheated me out of my answers.

He does so wordlessly, though he doesn't release his hold on my waist as he sets me on my feet.

I try to take a step back, but Henry refuses to release me, holding me still.

"Henry, let me go," I scowl up at him with every bit of loathing I can muster, but he's smiling down at me, his eyes glowing golden in the darkness.

He moves his head down so that his mouth is right near my ear when he states, "I'm never going to let you go again, little one." Damn him. His voice is low and seductive, and it sends a shiver running through me.

"You heard Glenda. It's fated," he goes on, his voice full of promise.

I shake my head, my heart pounding within my chest at his words as I stare up at him. "What are you talking about? What's fated?"

"Us," he answers simply.

I raise an eyebrow and let out a nervous laugh as I push at his chest. It does no good, of course. He doesn't budge and neither do I.

"Henry, there is no us. You're a vampire." He frowns down at me then, and I see a bit of irritation flash in his eyes.

"I may be a vampire, but you are my mate." He squares his jaw suddenly, the sudden hunger lighting his eyes making my throat go dry.

"What?" I let out an incredulous laugh. My heart begins to hammer in my chest even harder as I pick up on what he means. "That's not possible," I whisper, "I'm a human."

Yes, I've heard the stories about vampires and their fated mates. Who hasn't? But it's only ever between two vampires—not a vampire and a human.

"Glenda must have gotten something wrong," I insist.

The look of smug assurance on Henry's face makes me swallow. "Glenda is never wrong, little one. Her visions are spot on. She said we're fated, so that proves what I already know deep in my bones."

Henry's face begins looming closer toward mine, and I already know what's on his mind. I can read the intent in his eyes. His eyes are staring at my lips, and I panic, scared that if he ever gets his lips on me, I won't have the fortitude to say no.

I push on his chest frantically now, and he finally pulls back and releases me.

"What's wrong, Britney?" His voice is dark and caressing as he speaks, his eyes pinned on me. "You know you can't fight fate," he points out.

His mouth moves close to my ear again as he says huskily, "Make no mistake, little one. You'll succumb to me before the night is out. I promise you that. You can't fight this seduction."

I scowl up at him as I cross my arms over my chest, desperately looking for any way to distract him—and to calm the flush creeping up my neck and the frenzied beating of my heart.