"Forget all this nonsense about fate for a moment." I push away from him. "Don't you think we have bigger problems to deal with right now? Like the fact that we're hiding out from the Department and why they want me and you dead." Yes, that's way more important than Henry and his libido.

Henry shrugs like it's just another day at the office for him. "I already know why they want me dead. I won't bring my kind under their rule."

His face takes on a troubled look, and he frowns. "However, what I don't understand is why they wantyoudead. What have you done to piss them off, little one?"

"Nothing!" I immediately sputter. "I've been nothing but the model employee, completing all my assignments on time—in fact, usually ahead of my scheduled deadline. I'm professional and do everything by the book. I can't think of any reason why they would want me offed. It makes no sense."

I think back frantically, trying to think of anyone that I could have pissed off, but nothing's ringing a bell. I'm not lying when I tell Henry that I was the model employee. I was and that's why this betrayal stings a lot harder. Because I know I legitimately haven't done anything to deserve this.

Again, I wonder, "Are you sure Glenda's right?"

Henry flashes me a look of irritation as he snaps, "I told you. Glenda is always right. That's why she's in my employ."

"Well, we've got to go back and figure out what's going on," I insist. "You don't really expect me to hide out here in a cave while all hell breaks loose and the Department is looking for us, do you?" I push past Henry and begin trying to find my way out of this crypt. "We need to be adults about this and confront them."

Henry puffs out a humorless laugh, "Oh, you millennials and your new way of thinking. You always think everything can be resolved with words and adult actions."

He takes a step toward me, and I step back. "I don't think you understand the kind of people you're dealing with, Britney. The department is ruthless. They don't care about you. And when they want you dead, they'll stop at nothing to achieve their aims. You can't expect to just sit down and talk this out with these people. What they've done marks an act of war, and there's no coming back from that."

Henry takes another step until he's towering directly over me, his golden eyes blazing down into mine. "And there is no way in hell I'm going to put my mate back in danger."

I glare back up at him. "I'm not your mate," I grit out slowly.

I see a vein throb in his temple as his jaw clenches at my words. I don't care if I'm pissing him off. I don't have time for his alpha male claims.

I turn on my heel and start stalking away from him. I don't know how the hell to get out of here, but I'm sure going to try to find out. Anything beats standing in this decrepit cave arguing with this insane vampire.

"Where do you think you're going?" I hear him growl from behind me.

"I'm not going to just sit here and debate with you. I'm going to do something about all this." I retort back at him without even turning around to look at him.

Henry is in front of me in a flash. I blink and stumble back. I forgot how quickly vampires could move. Probably because Henry hasn't been exercising those kinds of powers in my presence much.

"You're not going anywhere, Britney." His voice is filled with a threat, and I can't ignore the challenge.

I cross my arms over my chest and lift my chin up at him defiantly. Nobody tells me what to do. "Oh yes, I am. I'm getting out of here with or without you."

Henry lets out a dark chuckle before I'm suddenly gathered in his arms again. It happens quick as a blink—so quickly that I don't even register it until he's holding me against his chest.

My mouth falls open, "Put me down!" I scream as I begin to kick my legs and fists in the air like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

"Britney, stop!" He commands, but I'm beyond listening.

I'm panicked and frantic. My world has been completely turned upside down in the span of one evening. I go to a masquerade ball to kill the vampire who I just found out murdered my parents. But then I find out that he didn't in fact murder my parents—that it wasn't a vampire at all who murdered my parents. That it was the Department and that for some reason they're out to get me too now.

Top all of that off with the fact that I'm more attracted to this vampire than I've ever been any other man in my entire life, and now he's telling me that we're fated mates, and I'm terrified of how my body will betray me if he presses his lips against mine.

Yeah, it's a lot for a girl to take in, so I think I'm entitled to a mini meltdown right now.

"Britney!" Henry's voice cracks over me again—like a whip this time—but that only makes me struggle even harder. I feel my heart rate ticking up in my chest until I feel like I'm about to explode.

Oh god, I'm fixing to have a panic attack. I can feel it. I used to have them as a child after my parents died. My eyes are wide and wild, I know, as I look up at Henry, silently begging for what I can't put into words.Help me.