
When faced with the choice of losing her forever or keeping her and having her be angry with me for all eternity, there's no contest. I'll take her anger over nothing any day.

Her neck is already stretched out in front of me like an offering, and I feel my fangs descend once again.

I lift her in my arms and hold her closer to me. This is not how I wanted our first bite to be.

My throat feels tight as I lick the tender flesh of her neck before I hover my lips over her skin. I press a tender kiss there, silently asking her to forgive me before I bite down and pierce her flesh with my incisors.

I groan at the perfect first taste of my mate's blood. My cock immediately swells with desire at her sweetness. She's like honey and roses and lilies and lilacs and everything sweet all rolled into one. Light yet decadent, the taste of her blood on my tongue is like nothing I've ever tasted before.

She gasps, her body arching up against me as I feel the life beginning to return to her with my bite. Since she already has vampire blood in her, there's no transformation for her to undergo. All she needed was the bite of her mate to activate her inner vampiress.

I have to force myself to stop drinking from her so I don't weaken her too much. Even without us consummating our bond yet, we are now officially mated. All it takes for vampires to mate is one bite. The cock really has nothing to do with the mating process. Of course, that part of my body is raging at me to make our union complete even in that way.

I ignore it for now, though, and pull back from her, watching as color begins to bloom in her cheeks again.

She's just as beautiful as before, yet somehow even more so in her immortality, and to think she could have died a human had I not activated the immortal blood within her.

I don't even have to lick her neck to close the wounds. The power of her own blood is already healing her.

The swollen appendage between my legs gives a jerk as I realize that now that we're mated, we'll be able to feed from one another. No longer will I have to find random people to feed from. I have my very own mate to drink from, and after what I just tasted, she's the only person I'll ever want to drink from ever again.

And I'll make damn sure I'm the only person she ever drinks from. She'll never have to taste anyone else's blood. In fact, I'll kill anyone who dares even offer it to her.

I thought I was obsessive and possessive over her before. It's nothing compared to the way I feel now. Knowing that my bite has pierced her skin has cemented something inside me. I'll never be able to let her go now even if I wanted to.

"Henry" her sapphire blue eyes blink up at me as she looks at me more lucidly than she ever has.

"You saved me," she whispers, her voice full of wonder.

I stroke her cheek tenderly, my throat tightening again when I realize how close I came to losing her. "You saved me first, my love," I whisper, my voice choking with emotion. I want to scold her for being so careless, but I can't find the words to speak. And I'm just so relieved that she doesn't seem to resent me for my choice.

"Henry," she repeats my name, and I look down into her eyes. They've taken on a half-crazed look, and she bites her lip. I smirk to myself. I know exactly what she's feeling. When vampires are newly mated, their lust is nearly out of control. Her little cunt is throbbing and aching with need, desiring to be filled by me.

She's so ready for it I can practically smell her, and my cock swells to even greater proportions.

I'm more than happy to assuage her need, but that doesn't mean I can't have a little bit of fun with her first.

"Yes, my love?" I ask her innocently. "What's wrong?"

She lets out a little whimpering sound and looks up at me with wide, pleading eyes. "Please," she begs me.

I furrow my brow as if I'm confused. "Please what? How can I help you, little one, if you don't tell me what it is you need?"

She makes a frustrated sound in the back of her throat before she finally grabs my collar and pulls me down so that my lips are hovering just over hers.

"Kiss me," she demands before she crashes her lips up onto mine.

All the desire that I've been tamping down surges forth like a freight train.

Our lips fight for dominance. I know don't know whose desire is stronger now, and I don't care. All I care about is coupling with my mate.

When Brittany tears her mouth away from mine and kisses her way over to my throat, I groan, my body shivering with the pleasure of her soft lips against my heated skin.

And when I feel her sharp teeth pierce my own skin, my eyes roll back in my head, and I nearly spill my seed in my pants.