I let out a shout as I cradle her head against my neck and succumb to the delicious feeling of her feeding from me.

I thought I was seducing her, but I was wrong, for she's definitely the seductress in this scenario.

* * *


The taste of Henry's blood on my tongue floods my senses with euphoria.

Something that I would have cringed about just a few minutes ago is making me almost dizzy with pleasure.

And I totally don't care. I can't stop this feeling flooding through me. I desire this man—this monster—like I've never desired any other, but the feeling is made suddenly way more intense with his blood flowing down my throat. I literally feel like I'll die without his touch.

And that's ironic, isn't it? Because technically, I'm dead, right? If I'm a vampire, I'm dead. Yet, I've never felt more alive.

Henry lets out a deep, guttural groan that sounds like it's being ripped from the depths of his soul, and god help me if that doesn't do something to me.

I answer with a whimpering little moan of my own. It's all I can manage in between drinking up the sweet blood that's coursing down my throat as I clutch onto his shoulders and press my body up against him, gyrating my hips instinctively up against the hardness that I feel between his legs.

He hisses in a breath and gently puts a hand against my neck to push me away from him. "Easy, there, little one. Not too much at first," he cautions me.

I let out a sound of protest as he pushes me away from the sweet nectar of his neck.

"I want more," I tell him unashamedly as I look up at the two little holes that are already healing on his neck.

I lift my hand to feel the side of my own neck where he bit me and find that there are no holes there either.

I must have healed myself likewise.

"How is this possible?" I ask him in wonder as I search his eyes.

He licks his lips as he settles himself over me with an elbow on each side of my head. "You already had vampire blood in you from your father," he explains to me. "All you needed to activate it was the bite of your mate."

He gives me a cocky grin at that last statement.

"So, I'm completely a vampire now?" I ask just to be sure.

He nods his head.

"So, that means I'll have to drink blood from now on?"

He frowns before he states definitely, "Only mine. You'll never drink blood from anyone else. You'll never be a murderer, so don't worry about that either. I'll teach you everything you need to know about self-control." His lips quirk up into a heart-stopping grin, "And I'll enjoy every moment of your instruction."

My face flushes at the innuendo in his words, and then my eyes settle on his lips. I feel a tingle in my own lips. I want to have his lips pressed against mine again, and I'm tired of fighting this seduction. I want him. I need him inside me more than I've ever needed anything in my entire life.

He seems to read the intent in my eyes because when I lift my hands up to him in supplication, he comes down to me willingly, pressing his lips insistently against mine. He immediately parts my lips with his tongue.

"Dammit, Britney, but you're perfect. Perfect, perfect mate," he whispers into my mouth as he strokes my hair back from my face.

I lean into his touch, practically purring as I lift my hips and rub myself against him again, half-crazed with need.

He hisses in another breath. "My God, you're going to be the death of me woman."

I cock my head to the side. "Aren't we already technically dead, though?"

He cracks a grin, his fangs gleaming down at me. "On the contrary, my love," he whispers against my lips as he begins pushing up my dress. His hand skates over my calves and up my legs before they skirt over my thighs. My breath hitches the closer he gets to my aching core. "I've never felt more alive," he nearly growls. Each touch of his fingers sends tingles throughout my body, and I can feel his hardness pressing against my leg.

He stills when his fingers reach the apex of my thighs. I feel him test my wetness, and his light touch sends tingles straight through me. I let out a groan and arch up into him, throwing my arms around his neck.