“You clean up nice,” I said, finding him irresistible as I glanced him over from head to toe.

“Me?” Jayden quirked a sly grin. “You look stunning.” His eyes did another once over on my body, admiring my curves.

I would have felt overdressed if I hadn’t seen how handsome Jayden looked. If he was uncomfortable, I couldn’t tell.

“Big party?” I asked, surprised by the fancy gown. Jayden had brought it home for me to wear in my size.

“You might say that,” Jayden said. He stalked over to his dresser and retrieved a silver heart locket. “The wire you need to wear.”

“Jayden.” My voice caught in my throat.

His gaze latched onto mine. “You can do this. I have faith in you.”

Nervous didn’t even begin to explain the feeling of dread that came over me. “Okay.”

* * *

He kept his arm snug around my hip, introducing me to anyone and everyone at the party. “That’s Enzo,” Jayden whispered into my ear.

I plastered a smile to my face as one hand held a champagne flute and the other clung to my clutch.

I wasn’t ready to sneak off and go in search for his niece or any other girls that Enzo might have detained.

Sipping the champagne, I hoped the bubbles would quell my nerves.

Enzo was a thicker individual than Jayden. Jayden was all muscle. Enzo, I suspected, had one too many jelly donuts with a sharp nose and a thick head of obviously dyed jet black hair.

Enzo headed right for us. A stone-cold look of determination across his face.

Feeling his scrutinizing gaze made me uncomfortable.

A part of me wanted to flee, to run out the front door before he so much as introduced himself, but I couldn’t move. My feet were glued to the floor in my new shiny black stilettos.

“Jayden.” Enzo’s thick Italian accent permeated the ballroom. His voice bellowed beyond the music that played at the opposite end of the room.

A string quartet brought current melodies to life, vibrant and upbeat, but no one danced. Most of the crowd were men, certainly no younger than Jayden, a few were older with salt and pepper hair, everyone dressed sharply in a suit.

“Enzo.” Jayden forced a smile as he clasped the other man’s arm in a welcoming greeting. His other hand stayed tight around my waist. “I’d like you to my better half, Skylar.”

Enzo lifted my hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the back of my hand. “It’s lovely to make your acquaintance.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” I said, forcing a smile.

“I hope you both are enjoying the festivities this evening. I have a special treat for your fiancé this evening,” Enzo said.

He retrieved a red ribbon and tied it up in my hair around the curls and elastic that had my hair partially up already.

How peculiar.

There was something about him that I couldn’t read.

His expression sent butterflies to my stomach.

I refused to let my gaze wander as Enzo stared at me after securing the ribbon. “That’s very kind of you, thank you,” I said.

Enzo forced a smile before he took a step back and clapped his hands. “Gentleman,” he announced.

The music came to a halt while he spoke. “It is my privilege to introduce you tonight to just a taste of what we have to offer.”

The lights dimmed. A door from down the hall opened, and as ladies dressed in lingerie wandered out onto the floor.

A dozen ladies, scantily clad, eyes glazed over, stood on display. A spotlight landed on them as they huddled together, clearly uncomfortable.

“Remember, if you’d like to sample the merchandise, it will cost you,” Enzo said with a hearty laugh. “No woman tonight is off-market. If you see something you like, she’s yours to own, tame, and do with as you see fit.”

Glancing around the room, I realized there were no other women at the party other than the women being trafficked by Enzo Ricci and me.