Chapter Six


Skylar clutched my arm. Her fingernails dug into my flesh.

I tried not to wince at the sudden pain. I rested my hand atop hers and glanced at her out of the corner of my eye.

While the plan had been to get her to sneak through the compound and gather information, I hadn’t anticipated that Enzo would blatantly display the woman as if it were an auction.

Enzo stood just a few feet away.

A wicked grin crossed his features. He snapped his fingers. The music resumed, and the lights brightened the ballroom.

“I’m in charge, darling. Always have been. Always will be, especially while your fiancé works for me,” Enzo said and stepped closer to Skylar.

His eyes raked over her body. His gaze stared at her cleavage and then down to the short skirt of the dress that she wore. “Looks good on her, don’t you think? I do know a thing about fashion.”

“He picked this out for me?” Skylar’s eyes widened, and her mouth dropped.

The color drained right out of her face.

“Yes, dear,” Enzo said. “I wanted to make you the main attraction for this evening.”

Enzo grabbed Skylar by the arm and whisked her across the room toward the other women huddled together, trembling in fright.

This was not what we had planned.

Where had Enzo found a dozen women for the event tonight?

The ladies who had been trafficked and intended for this evening had been intercepted. I’d delivered them straight to the feds.

Skylar glanced over her shoulder at me, silently begging me to save her.