Delphine wrapped an arm around me, giving me a much needed and long-awaited hug. “Sis, there is nowhere else I’d rather be. I’m sorry I listened to my stupid husband. I should have ditched his ass and flown out here sooner.”

I laughed under my breath. “It’s all right. Love makes us do stupid things.”

“Tell me about it,” Delphine said with a grin.

“What made you decide to come out here now, after all this time?” I asked. It couldn’t just be that she realized Ben was a jerk.

Delphine’s smile faded from her lips. “The truth is that your boyfriend called me.”

“What?” My stomach sank.

Why would Jaxson do that?

“He called to tell me about how a few months ago you’d been kidnapped by Ben and asked me to come and see you. I should have come sooner.”

I wanted to be angry with Jaxson for interfering, but I understood what he was doing. His intentions were good, but I wasn’t happy about him going behind my back.

“I can’t believe he called you,” I said.

“He wouldn’t have had to call me if you told me that Ben had abducted you,” Delphine said. “I just wish that you trusted me. We’re family, and I know that I haven’t always been there for you. I’m sorry.”

“It’s in the past.” I wanted to forgive her and move on. She was here now, and that was what mattered, right?

We were finally reconnecting.

“Is Ben in prison again?” Delphine asked. “Did they catch him? Declan was explaining that Ben had been part of the human trafficking ring.”

“Jaxson and the team are tracking him down as we speak.”

Her brow creased. “They’ll catch him, right?”

I’d never feel safe until he was arrested and behind bars.