Chapter Thirty-Eight


I wasn’t thrilled with being back here without a weapon.

Jaxson had insisted I wear an earpiece and a wire that relayed everything I said to the Eagle Tactical team.

They wanted to nail Enzo Ricci and more importantly find Benjamin Ryan.

Stalking up to the front door of Enzo’s luxurious mansion, I stood in front of the door, palm raised.

I gave a firm knock and waited.

Silence was the only response I received.

“Don Ricci?” I knocked again and rang the doorbell.

Still no answer.

I stepped off the porch and glanced through the window. The lights were off. There was no sign of anyone inside.

Three cars were parked in front of the property, but the car that I knew he drove regularly, the electric blue Evora Lotus, was nowhere in sight.

“He’s not here,” I said to Jaxson and the team.

They had sent me on a mission but weren’t far, listening to the wire from their truck. They were on standby, should I require backup.

“You have other connections to the Ricci family. Call them.” Jaxson’s tone was firm and sent a shudder down my spine.

“Yeah, on it.”

I exhaled a heavy sigh and dug my cell phone from my pocket. I scrolled through my phone and stopped when I landed on Dante Ricci’s name.

He was Enzo’s second.

We’d done business together, and he’d been the one to inform me what had been going on when Enzo had tossed me out of the party and taken possession of Skylar.

My blood was boiling just thinking about the way they’d treated her and me, like pawns.

Dante picked up on the first ring.

“Didn’t expect to hear from you,” Dante said.

“I need to see you.” I didn’t want to do this over the phone.

I waited for a beat. Silence filled the phone line.


Had he hung up?

“I’ll come to the bar,” Dante said. “Twenty minutes.”

It would take me twenty-five to get to the bar where I worked. I hung up the call and hurried toward my vehicle.

“Dante is having me meet him at the bar,” I said. There was only one bar in Breckenridge.

“We’re heading there now,” Lincoln responded into the communication device.