‘In case of what?’

‘You never know…’ Kate said vaguely.

Annabelle would have shaken her head in disbelief if she hadn’t been too scared to move it. Instead, she lay back down on the pillows and closed her eyes.

The last thing she remembered was Kate softly closing the door.


Disorientated, Annabelle struggled into a sitting position. She had no idea where she was or what day it was, and it took her a minute or so to gather her wits, and remember that the kids were at the cinema and that she had a headache.

Except… the headache had gone, leaving her with a slightly muzzy feeling and a dry mouth. God knows what was in those tablets, but they’d worked a treat.

Gingerly, she got out of bed and padded into the en suite, taking the empty glass with her. After filling it up from the tap and downing its contents in one, she felt slightly more human, so she had a quick shower and changed into fresh clothes.

Surprised to find she was hungry, she headed upstairs, wondering if Ron was around. He might have taken Pepe for that walk Kate had mentioned, but Annabelle was delighted to discover him sitting on the sofa, staring through the picture window.

He leapt to his feet when he saw her. ‘How are you feeling? Can I get you anything? Tea? A cold drink? More painkillers? Actually, you’d better not have any more just yet.’

‘What’s the time?’ She’d left her phone in her bag, and she fished it out, hoping she hadn’t missed any calls from Jake or Izzie. ‘Gosh, I thought I must have been asleep for hours, but it’s only half-past five.’ She made her way over to the kettle, but as she began to pick it up, Ron gently nudged her out of the way.

‘I’ve had strict instructions to look after you,’ he said. ‘I’ll make the tea. Or would you prefer a coffee?’

‘Tea is fine. Will you allow me to make myself something to eat? I’m starving.’

‘I certainly will not. If you’re hungry, I’ll make it. What do you fancy? I can do you lasagne, chicken breast and salad, a baked potato with something…?’ He looked at her expectantly.

‘A piece of toast or a sandwich will be fine,’ she said.

‘Oh, no! If Kate finds out you only had a sandwich for dinner, she’ll have my guts for garters. Let me cook you a proper meal.’

‘I don’t think I can wait that long,’ she said. ‘My tummy feels like my throat has been cut.’

‘That’s a Beverley saying, if ever I heard one,’ Ron chuckled. ‘OK, how about pizza? I can have it on the table in about fifteen minutes. Can you wait that long?’

Annabelle giggled. ‘I suppose I’ll have to. Where’s Pepe? Have you taken him for a walk?’

‘He’s been out twice, but not for long, as I didn’t like to leave you.’

‘I’m fine,’ she said.

‘So you keep saying.’ He took a pizza out of the freezer and showed her the box. ‘Will this do you?’

Annabelle nodded, adding, ‘I really am fine: I’m not fibbing.’

‘Are you sure your headache has gone?’

‘I’m sure.’

‘Good, that’s a relief. After we’ve eaten, how about taking the dog for a longer walk across the front?’

Annabelle gazed at Ron and a strange feeling swept over her. God, he was sexy. There was something very attractive about him taking care of her, and seeing him in the kitchen wearing a T-shirt and faded jeans, stubble on his chin and nothing on his feet, was doing funny things to her insides.

She paused as Kate’s words swam into her head. She and Ron were alone in the house. The others weren’t due back for hours. It was now or never…

‘Wait,’ she said huskily, as he was about to pop the pizza in the oven. ‘Turn it off.’

‘Have you changed your mind? No worries, I’ll—’

Liz Davies's Novels