‘Come here.’ She beckoned him with a finger and caught her bottom lip between her teeth, the butterflies in her stomach flitting about crazily. She didn’t take her eyes off him as he put the pizza on the counter and switched the oven off,

Her gaze captured his and his pupils dilated. He licked his lips, and she watched the flick of his tongue and shivered deliciously, her knees weak with anticipation and excitement.

Not letting him get too close, she backed away towards the stairs. He followed her slowly, his eyes dark pits of desire. She realised he wanted this as much as she, and the knowledge stoked the fire inside her. Turning, she tiptoed down the stairs, hearing his bare-footed tread behind her, and she ached to feel his hands on her skin and his body next to hers.

When she reached his room, she faced him, her back against the door. ‘Are you sure?’ she asked.

‘I’m sure. Areyou?’

‘Hell, yeah.’ Then she opened the door and stepped inside.

Dinner could wait – Annabelle Litton had a more urgent hunger to satisfy.


Single beds weren’t designed to hold two adults, and the only way Annabelle could get comfortable was if she lay on top of Ron. To be fair, she’d already done that, and it had led to the most wonderful half hour of her life.

Then they’d switched places, leading her to experience the second most wonderful half hour of her life.

Now though, Ron was tired. He needed to rest for a while, which was a shame, because Annabelle was rested enough already and could quite happily have gone for round three. Then her tummy rumbled loudly, reducing her to giggles and reminding her that she was hungry.

‘I’m supposed to be looking after you,’ Ron said, kissing her on the tip of her nose.

‘You did. Twice,’ she retorted cheekily. ‘When you’re ready for a third go, be sure to let me know.’ Her eyes widened as she felt a twitch of interest from down below, and she cocked her head to one side, a question on her face.

‘No, definitely not, lady,’ he said. ‘I need time to recover.’

‘Wimp,’ she teased, easing off him and perching on the side of the bed. ‘Your problem is that you’ve got no stamina.’

‘Oh, really?’ He leapt up and pushed her back down onto the crumpled covers. ‘I don’t need stamina for this,’ he said, kissing her deeply. ‘Or this.’ His lips moved lower, and Annabelle, to her delight, discovered that he hadn’t been lying – because what he did to her next didn’t require any stamina whatsoever.


‘We can’t stay here much longer,’ Ron said, when they finally came up for air and checked the time. ‘We’d better go upstairs and pretend we’ve been watching TV all evening.’

Annabelle would have loved nothing better than to stay in his bed for the rest of the night, but she knew he was right. The others would be back shortly and she didn’t want to be caught in a compromising position.

‘I’ve no intention of lying,’ she said primly. ‘If anyone asks, I’m going to say that I spent most of the day in bed.’ She smirked at him, and he sent her a warning look.

‘Behave yourself,’ he groaned. ‘Come on.’ He got to his feet and held his hand out to her.

She took it, and he hauled her upright.

Slapping her on the backside, he said, ‘Get dressed. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. I’d better put two pizzas in the oven, because I intend to eat a whole one all by myself.’

Annabelle reached for her clothes, which were scattered over the floor of the small room. As she dressed she said quietly, ‘I wish we could stay here forever.’

‘Me, too.’

‘I don’t want you to think I hop into bed with just any—’

‘Shh. I don’t. This is special.You’respecial.’

She thought he was about to say something else, but the sound of an engine pulling into the drive and the sweep of headlights through the glass, had the pair of them scrambling to get dressed and rush upstairs.

But before the front door opened and the family surged in, he held her gently and kissed her deeply once more. ‘I know I said we can’t, but we did, and it was indescribable. I don’t want this to end in Rest Bay,’ he said.

And when she replied, ‘Neither do I,’ the smile that lit his face set her soul on fire and she hoped with all her heart that this truly was the start of something new and wonderful.

Liz Davies's Novels