Thomar watched our mate walk to the center of the arena. His cock as hard as mine, no doubt, his heart breaking.

No. Do not deny her. Do not.

Thomar spoke, his heartbreak in his voice. “My queen, I am honored by my mate’s request. But I must inform all here that she is braver than any warrior. More giving and compassionate than you can imagine. She offers us this prize with no thought for herself. She is dying, my queen. As are we.”

The Prillons in attendance hushed as if we had stolen their tongues.


“The Hive used all three of us for an experimental type of integration. Their implants cannot be removed and they are poison in our bodies. Danika has but a few days to live.”

The queen gasped, her gaze locked on Danika’s retreating back. “Then I suggest you do not make her wait.”

I grinned, eager to make our claim official, make Danika ours. Honor her in front of the Prime, our queen, and the entire planet.

“Not so fast, you two.” Doctor Surnen stepped forward, Helion next to him. And standing next to Helion was Bastion Arcas.

“Bastion?” Thomar’s shock was obvious.

“Bastion Arcas, like his cousin, was taken and integrated with the same technology. However, we have discovered a dampening device within his system that can be copied and implanted in you, Prince Arcas, as well as into your second and your mate.”

My heart skipped a beat. Two.

“How long will we live, doctor? With this new implant?”

Doctor Surnen smiled. Even Helion looked pleased. “You will have a full, normal life. Perhaps longer. We do not fully understand the implants yet.”

Thomar took a moment to process this news. I was done waiting. Walking across the arena to our mate, I disrobed as I did so, dropping a piece of armor every couple of steps. The crowd cheered me on with each piece that landed in the dirt. “Thomar?”

My shout moved him and he followed me, the Prillons going wild.

I was kissing Danika, her soft skin under my palms, her body melting into mine as Thomar approached. We would be truly one now. No death. No horror awaiting us. A lifetime of sacrifice and struggle rewarded with this, our mate. Thousands of our people cheering. A place at Prime Nial’s side.

We would have to discuss what Danika had learned from the Nexus unit. But not now.

Now was for fucking. Filling her. Making her whimper and moan and beg for more.

Now was for loving the female who had saved us both.

* * *


Noneof this should have mattered to me. I had grown hard, my heart stone. Until her.

She lifted her arms as I approached, Varin already in place, seated in the chair, ready to fuck her ass as I filled her pussy. We were all naked. Bared to the entire Coalition of planets. I knew this was being broadcast to every ship and planet. Every shuttle and canteen.

None had been honored in this way, not in hundreds of years, except Prime Nial and his second, Ander.

And now, us.

My family remained standing, their violet collars sparkling and brilliant in the light. My eyes filled with tears and I buried them in Danika’s hair to hide them whose who did not deserve to see them.

They were for her. Her. Varin. Me. My family.

I kissed her, hard, as Varin slid deep into her ass. She moaned in welcome, her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me down to her. The crowd disappeared as I slipped my fingers into her wet pussy. She was ready. More than ready.

“I love you. Both of you. I love you.”