I kissed her ear. The place above her heart. As Varin struggled to remain still, I raised my voice so all could hear.

“Do you accept my claim, mate? Do you give yourself freely to me and my second? Or do you wish to choose another primary male?” My voice carried. The crowd hushed to hear Danika’s response.

“I accept your claim, warriors. I love you.”

My chest nearly exploded at her added words. She did not need to declare love for us, only that she believed we would protect and care for her. She honored us with her words. “Then we claim you in the rite of naming. You are mine and I shall kill anyone who dares harm you.”

Varin spoke as well. “You are mine, Danika. I shall fight, die and live for no other but you.”

The Prillons heaved a collective sigh. “May the gods witness and protect you.” Their chant was still in my ears as I looked into Danika’s eyes and slid deep.

She welcomed us. Accepted us, scars, imperfections. Our past. Our mistakes.

We moved. Fucked her. Gave her pleasure, as was our duty and our right.

For the first time in my life, I was finally home.

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