Page 45 of Rogue Cyborg

Chapter 13

Mak, Open Space

Iwas in open space. Fuck, yes. With the never-ending blackness out the cockpit window, I finally felt free. No sectors, no battlegroups. Just unclaimed, uncharted universe. It was a familiar sensation, this need to be in control of my life, my destiny, but it has been some time. So much had happened since I’d been set up, since the traitor I now knew came from Cerberus, had destroyed everything I’d built. Ruined me. Led to my capture, first by the Coalition, then my capture and torture by the Hive. The struggle for survival. Escape. The unending days sentenced to a prisoner’s life on the Colony. It had all been his fault.

And now, I had to thank the traitor for my mate. For Gwen. And every dark thing I’d survived, every agony, the rage. It was all worth it.

I had planned to hunt the traitor, return to Rogue 5 and have my revenge. Now I was content alerting Kronos to the problem and letting the legion deal with it. I had more important things to do. Like keep my mate alive.

Glancing at the co-pilot’s seat beside me, I realized that my destiny wasn’t as I’d thought. No, my life was with Gwen. I studied her as she stared out into the vast emptiness, the look of awe, of all-encompassing peace on her face. With her long hair pulled back, her cheeks smeared with dust and blood from the cave, her body armor covered in dirt, gore and tearstains on the dark blue clothing, she’d never looked more beautiful.

And she was mine completely. Well, almost. Except for the lack of official claiming, I had her body and soul.

And she me in return. I would want no other. I needed her, my other half, the other half of my soul. I was a Forsian poet in my thoughts, but they couldn’t be helped.

As the governor had said, he was pussy whipped. An Earth term his mate Rachel had told him about, I remembered him laughing. He was completely under his mate’s power. Weaker, smaller and somewhat helpless on the Colony without a protector, she had all the control of her two Prillon mates.

It was the same for Gwen. She had all the control. I could deny her nothing. Yet she wasn’t weak of body. She was strong. Too strong. She didn’t need me to survive, to keep her safe. She was self-sufficient and yet she wanted me beside her on this adventure to… who the fuck knew?

“What?” she asked, catching me looking at her.

I smiled. Really smiled. “Nothing. We have the entire universe to explore. Together.”

She pursed her lips.

“What?” I asked in return.

“Do you know how to turn on the auto pilot on this thing?” She looked at the displays that filled the snug cabin.

“Of course.”

“While I want to go see the entire universe, I don’t need to do it right now.”

I arched a brow. “What did you have in mind?”

My cock stirred at the idea of having her climb in my lap and take my cock for a ride. I’d yet to fuck her in every room—every surface of this ship, but it was something I would definitely enjoy from now on.

I undid the harness about my shoulders, the clasp on my chest coming undone beneath my deft fingers. The straps fell to the sides. “I’m all yours.”

And I meant it.

She smiled and I could have sworn the sun came out from around the forty-seventh asteroid belt. Undoing her harness, she stood, held out her hand. “Come on.”

I frowned. “But don’t you want to—”

She took hold of my wrist, tugged me up, pulled me behind her, out of the cockpit and down the central corridor. Only when we were in the central room did she stop. “Oh, I want to. But fucking isn’t enough for me. I took the antidote the analysis unit made for me.”

“What?” My cock was already hard in my pants, my balls aching to fill her pussy up again. It had been too long since I’d been inside her.

“I don’t satisfy you? If you want me on my knees, my mouth on your pussy, it is no hardship. You do not need to be shy about telling me your needs.”

She flushed prettily—even after all we’d done together—and shook her head.

“You don’t like me eating that sweet pussy?”

She laughed, covered her face with her hand. “It’s not that. Yes, of course you satisfy me. You know that well enough, Mr. Big Ego. I love that and you can eat me out all you want.”

“Then what is it? I will pleasure you any way you wish.”