Page 46 of Rogue Cyborg

“Then claim me.”

Those three words had the eagerness to fuck slip from me. Like a cold shower tube, I was doused in reality. “I will give you anything but that.” I sliced my hand through the air. “I’m not willing to risk your life.”

“I told you, I took the antidote. I’m fine.”

Antidote. Yes, she had said something about an antidote, but I hadn’t heard anything other than I wasn’t giving her all she needed. Now, watching as she crossed her arms over her chest, I tried not to notice the way her breasts lifted, even under the layer of armor. Fuck, I loved those breasts, but I needed to focus on what she’d said.

“When did you take this… antidote?”

“I’d forgotten about it after the battle, but got it first thing once back on board. Like I said, I want more, mate.”

“We don’t know if the antidote is effective or not. It’s a Hive med room that’s giving us the answers, the fucking antidote, and I don’t trust it.” She was too precious to me to risk. I’d been able to fuck her fine without my fangs. The pleasure we could share for the rest of our lives without it would be more than fine with me.

“Don’t you want to claim me?” she asked. Her eyes were filled with doubt and I hated that.

Closing the distance between us in two strides, I cupped her face in my big palm. “With my very being.” My fangs dropped as I said the words, bodily proof of my desire to make her completely and finally mine in every way.

“Then bite me.”

I took a step back. “No. It is too dangerous.”

She laughed, although it was filled with sadness. I hated that I made her feel this way, but I’d rather her fight with me than be dead.

“Why? You think me weak?” Her hands moved to her hips. Fortunately, her doubt was replaced with anger. I never wished her to doubt her perfection.


“Who tossed Prillons around in the pit like they were dolls?”

“You,” I admitted, remembering how I’d sat in the stands and watched her destroy every male who got near her.

“Who single-handedly destroyed nine Hive soldiers before you or my other babysitters could arrive?”

“The Nexus unit nearly killed you.” I glanced down at her arm, to the hole in her pants, the edges of the material torn and singed. She’d fought in that cave, fought for her life, and I was proud of her. But I wouldn’t cause her harm.

“I walked freely on the moon, breathing the acidic fog, my lungs healing faster than the acid could destroy them.”

“Still—“ She was right. Logically, I knew she spoke the truth. But my protective instincts refused to risk her.

She peeled off her uniform, baring her shoulders, giving me a tempting glimpse of her pale flesh. No blood, no wounds. Perfectly whole.

Groaning, I couldn’t tear my gaze from her soft skin, the scent of her filling my head and my cock with a rush of blood.

She lifted her hand, pushed at my chest. I was knocked back a step, reminded of her strength. “I’m not weak. I’m not fragile. You won’t kill me because as soon as you bite me, I will heal. No bleeding out. No death.”

“It’s poison!” I shouted, raking my fingers through my hair. I grabbed her by the biceps, lifted her up so we were eye to eye. Our breaths mingled and her gaze met and held mine. “I’m poison to you.”

I felt her fumble around, digging for something buried in her pants pocket.

“You’re not. I can prove it.” She lifted an injector up so I could see it, raising up the lower half of her arm since I had her pinned.

“What is that?” I asked.

“Proof.” She dropped the injector to her thigh and I heard the whoomph of air that accompanied an injection. “I used the leftover serum to manufacture a larger dose.”

I dropped her, stunned. “What?”

“I injected at least three times what your bite would push into my system.”