I’ll be the first to know if anyone messes with her.

“I can do that,” I say. With time, she’ll quit. I know that without a doubt. Antonio will reveal his true colors, and when he does, she’ll come running to me.

I just hope it doesn’t frighten her, or worse.

But I can’t lock her in a gilded cage. She isn’t mine to protect. No matter how much I want to keep her safe, she’s a grown woman intent on making her own choices.

No matter how foolish they may seem. And to give her proof that Antonio is with the Italian Mafia would only reveal my secrets and who I work for, the Russian Bratva.

“How is Allie?” I ask, glancing at Sadie as I walk beside her, keeping her close to me. If it were up to me, I’d never let her go.

“Good. She hates that she has to return to school in a few weeks, but other than that, she’s a ray of sunshine.”

There’s definite sarcasm in her tone. “Is she getting under your skin being home all summer?” I ask.

She doesn’t quite answer my question. “Allie has been asking about you nonstop. Wanting to know why I’m mad at you, why you haven’t sent me presents to make up for your mistake, like in the movies…” her voice trails off.

Was I supposed to send her a present? That’s news to me. The girl is working for the enemy. That doesn’t exactly scream chocolate-covered strawberries.

“Well, tell her we’ve worked it out like adults.”

“I’ll be sure to mention that the next time she asks.” She nudges against me.

Her lips are red and swollen from our heated kisses.

“Do you want to come over tonight?” she asks.

“I do, but I have to work tonight.”

“Shit, so do I.” She laughs and smacks her forehead, tipping her head back. “Sometimes I’m such an idiot.”

“Never,” I say, squeezing her hand as I interlock our fingers together. “Next day off?”


“Me too,” I say.

“Sounds like a date.”

* * *

I didn’t have Wednesday off, but I convinced Luka to let me switch the schedule because I need to fix this thing with Sadie.

He still thinks we’re a real couple, fighting it out after discovering where she works.

But Luka is ultimately supportive of the entire situation since Sadie is unaware that we’re bratva.

I don’t care. The fact is that I like her a lot. She ought to be off-limits, but I found her before the Italians. Doesn’t that make hermine?

Except our relationship is entirely fake, minus the sex. That’s real.

Talk about fucking complicated.

Instead of bringing flowers like the last two times I’ve taken her out, I’m carrying a box of chocolate-covered cherries and strawberries tonight. A mix that I hope she’ll let me feed to her, in bed, naked.

Ivan is standing guard outside the building, ensuring no familiar Italian faces appear. “You can go home,” I say. “I’ll keep an eye on her tonight.”

Ivan grins and smacks my arm before retreating down to his vehicle.