I press the buzzer, letting her know I’ve arrived for our evening together. It’s not technically a date since we’re not a couple. It’s just enjoying each other’s company.

More importantly, the opportunity to rip her clothes off and enjoy every inch of her body.

The front door opens, and I hurry into the elevator, pressing the button for the sixth floor. The elevator is stuffy, and I’m even wearing my suit coat and tie.

I’m dressed much more casually for tonight. After all, aren’t we going to rip each other’s clothes off anyhow?

Dark-washed blue jeans and a white shirt with a collar make up my ensemble. I loosen a button on the dress shirt.

Did someone turn the heat on in the building? It’s summer, for fuck’s sake. It’s air conditioning season.

Hopefully, the chocolate treats don’t melt on my way upstairs. I suppose if they do, I’ll have to dribble the dessert over Sadie’s naked torso and lick the sweets right off her body.

The elevator doors open at a snail’s pace, and I slip out before the doors are fully open. I hurry down the hallway and give a prominent knock on the door.

There are footsteps, and then Allie pulls the door open, glancing me up and down. “No flowers?” She folds her arms across her chest, unimpressed.

“I brought dessert,” I say, revealing the box in my right hand.

Allie’s eyes light up. “Great. Because you’ll be starving after you see what Mom made.”

I breathe a sigh of relief when she lets me inside the apartment. I shut the door behind myself and slip out of my dress shoes, noticing everyone else’s shoes by the front entrance.

“It smells good in here,” I say.

Sadie is laboring in the kitchen, standing over the stove, preparing dinner.

“You have to say that,” Allie chimes, stepping into the kitchen. “He brought you a present.”

I reveal the box of chocolates to Sadie, placing it on the empty counter. “Can I give you a hand?” I offer.

“Do you mind helping Allie set the table for dinner?”

“Happy to help,” I say.

Allie barely helps, deciding instead to delegate by showing me where everything is located. I imagine that Sadie has her hands full with the girl, and I can’t even fathom what it’ll be like when Allie is driving and dating.

Dinner consists of blackened fish on the iron skillet, asparagus, and a garden salad. There’s also a fruit bowl on the table with fresh peaches that haven’t been sliced. They look delicious along with everything else.

It turns out Sadie is a decent cook, although Allie picks at her plate, pushing the food around more than eating it.

“You don’t like fish?” I ask, trying to engage Allie. I can’t tell if she’s not hungry or if something else is bothering her.

“It isn’t that,” Allie says, dropping her fork. It clanks against the plate with a shrilling sound. “Mom won’t let me visit my cousin, Olivia.”

“They just moved to Nova Scotia,” Sadie says. “Have you ever been there?”

“Can’t say that I have.” I finish the last of the food on my dinner plate. The meal was terrific, and Sadie’s cooking surprised me, especially given Allie’s comment when I arrived for dinner.

“It’s gorgeous,” Allie says. Her eyes brighten with every word she speaks. “Olivia’s been sending me pictures. I really want to go, and I have another week until I have to be back for school.”

“Do you know how expensive it is to fly last minute?” Sadie asks, staring at her daughter. “You have no concept of money, Allie.”

“I know you have money saved and can totally afford to send me to visit Olivia. You just got a new job. I’ll bet it pays more than you were making at the hotel. Come on, please.” Allie’s bottom lip jets out, pouting.

“We’re not having this conversation at the dinner table with our guest.”

“He’s your boyfriend,” Allie says, and shrugs like it’s no big deal.