Page 2 of Survivor


Son of a bitch, where the hell is Onyx? This waiting is starting to freak me out. Now that I finally got the okay to leave, I want to get the hell out of this place. I know deep down they did right by me, but my head isn’t seeing it that way. The dark keeps coming to the surface, and I need to rearrange the way my mind is working. Just as I grab my cell phone, my sister walks in smiling brightly.

“Hey, Olls, ready to break outta this popsicle stand?”

As anxious as I was getting, just hearing her ridiculous question I can’t hold it in. I start laughing, and for some reason, my laughter keeps getting louder and louder until tears are running down my face. Tears that have nothing to do with me laughing at all.

“Oh, Ollie, brother of mine, it’s going to be okay. I got you, promise. We’ll get you back to normal, whatever the hell that means. Let’s take it one day at a time, okay? Come on, let’s get you and your stuff together and get out of here. I think you’ve had enough. Ready to go?”

Holding on to Onyx for dear life, the tears just keep falling and she holds me tight to her. We’ve always been close. Even when I was on a mission, if there was a way to get word back, usually mine went to her, then she would fill in the rest of the family back home. Onyx has always looked up to and supported me, no matter what. Taking a minute to get myself under control, I gently push my little sister away, turn, and grab some tissues to clean my face off. Snot and tears aren’t a good look. Especially with all that shit all over my face. Thank God my beard has been growing in since I’ve been Stateside.

“Okay, Half-Pint, ready when you are. Hey, Onyx, serious for a second, I’ll try not to be in your way and as soon as I can, I’ll get outta your hair. Don’t want to be in your way or cramp your single style.”

She gives me a sad smile and shakes her head.

“Olls, told you the fur babies and I are glad for your company. I even took some time off so we can just hang and do whatever, no schedule at all. Well except your PT but besides that, it’s going to be just a brother and sister hangin’ out.”

Again, I start to chuckle because when Onyx tries to sound badass it just comes out cute. Giving her a chin lift, I look around to make sure nothing is being left behind. Even though I hate the wheelchair, there’s no way in hell I’d be able to walk on my own right now. With my hip and ankle, I’d been told probably at least four weeks before they even try to let me attempt to put total weight on it by myself outside of therapy. I get it, even though I’ve lost a ton of weight, I’m still topping the scales between one ninety to two ten. And that’s a lot for a SEAL, but time and time again I’d proved that my height and weight wouldn’t and didn’t hold me back. But for someone to have to hold me up could get messy.

Onyx has her arms filled with bags of shit the hospital gives you on release and my folder with instructions is on my lap. Just as I start to wheel myself, the door opens and in walks my nurse, Cindie.

“Okay,Sweet O,ready for your last ride from me?”

Then she wiggles her eyebrows for effect. Both Cindie and Onyx start giggling and it’s infectious, so I join in. Well, today is starting off great and I’m getting out of here, so going to take this as a win. I’m still smiling as both ladies and I start the journey out of my room and back into the real world. I just pray that I somehow can find a way to fit in and be of some service. Feel and be useful.

* * *

So much for a good beginning of the day. I’m ready to lose my shit, sitting next to my sister, stuck in fucking traffic. We’ve been barely moving for like an hour. Looking at Onyx, I can tell she’s getting frustrated and worried about how much more I can take. The pain medication is starting to wear off and I’m feeling like I’ve been run over by a freight train, for Christ’s sake.

“Sis, can’t we get off this dead-ass highway and take the back roads? I’m dying here, can’t get comfortable, there’s no room for my legs.”

“Olls, like I said, should have sat in the back seat and spread out, but no, you know better. Well, suck it up, Buttercup, can’t do shit now. We’re getting off at the next exit so just put your seat back, close your eyes, and enjoy the ride. I’m doing the best I can, Oliver.”

Wow, she’s totally pissed at me now, using my given name. She and Mom only call me that when I’ve gotten on their last nerve. Better shut my trap and wait it out. Doesn’t help I gotta take a piss on top of everything else. Didn’t at the hospital because it’s such a pain in the ass, so thought I could hold it. Had no clue we’d be taking the long-ass way back to Onyx’s house. Shouldn’t complain, I didn’t have many offers to take my fucked-up ass in. Only other option was going home to Montana, and nope, not happenin’. Not getting dragged back in because once you do, you won’t be able to leave. Dad will have me mucking horse stalls or go on cattle drives. Love them both, but that’s not the life I ever wanted. Nice to visit but not to live the rest of my life. Not to mention the wheelchair—their house and the ranch—none of that would ever work. I’d be at their mercy.

Feeling eyes on me, I look over to see I’m getting a glare from Onyx. Now, what the fuck did I do? Before I can ask, she turns her head away from me and huffs. Man, I hope she isn’t on the rag because she can be a total bitch and with my current mood swings, that house just ain’t big enough.

Looking out the window, I see the exit ahead and thank God quietly. Knowing my kid sister like I do; she has the need for speed so we should be home a lot quicker on these side streets. I lean back and close my eyes just to rest for a minute, it’s the last thing I remember. Feeling the car stop, I realize I must have fallen asleep.

Damn, I needed a quick power nap to take the edge off, I feel calmer already. I turn just in time to see Onyx shut the engine off and release her seat belt. She looks exhausted. Need to get my crap together because I know she’s been doing a lot of shit for me. Not to mention I’m sitting in her car, in her garage, waiting to go into her house. I’m a total asshole for being such a dick to her. Reaching over I grab her hand, startling her.

“Hey, Onyx, thanks so much and I really mean it, Half-Pint. Don’t know what I’d do without ya, sis. Gonna get my shit together, promise. I’m back on the pills and scheduled the next two weeks of therapy already. And that’s all my therapies body, mind, and soul. So, get ready to be my chauffeur ‘cause you’re driving Mr. Ollie around. And yeah, I’m gonna be a total pain in your ass, get used to it.”

That brings a smile to her face and she squeezes my hand. It’ll be okay. Just need some time, but I’ll figure out what’s next for me. Got no other choice but to keep moving forward.

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