Page 6 of Hard for You

Alcoholonly affected them for a few short hours, and that was if they literally went at it hard. Wolfe had only gotten a little tipsy. He glanced back at the bar, thinking about Amelia.

Shehad smelled good. She always smelled good, and tonight, she had fed him.

Draco and Alpha started their engines, and Wolfe climbed off his. “I’ll be back at the clubhouse later.”

“You saw some pussy?” Draco asked.

On the few rare occasions that Draco spoke, it still surprised him.

“Fuck off, Draco.”

Alpha laughed.

It wasn’t a natural sound, but slightly forced, almost enraged. He took his role as president and pack alpha seriously. He was damn good at it as well.

Alpha and Draco took off, and he watched them leave, looking back at the bar. He wasn’t going to go inside as he didn’t want any of the women hanging off him. Some of the female pack members were cut chasers. They wanted to fuck as many of the club as possible.

Running his fingers through his hair, he leaned against his bike and waited.

Itwasn’t long before they had to start leaving.

Val never allowed them to stay much past twelve. Unless he was feeling generous and money was being spent, he sometimes allowed his bar to stay open until two, never past then. Two in the morning was for special occasions. Also, if he did stay open until two, then it meant there were sacrifices elsewhere. That usually meant the bar closed for a couple of days after.

Several women looked like they wanted to approach him. As did a couple of the beta team, but he ignored them.

There was only one woman he wanted to speak to.

The bar emptied, and it was a good thirty minutes before Amelia stepped out of the bar. She didn’t have her dogs with her. That was a surprise.

Amelia took a couple of steps toward him, but he could tell she hadn’t really seen him. The moment she did, she hesitated, almost stumbling over her feet.

Wasshe uncoordinated as well?

“Wolfe,” she said.


It was hot, and she was fucking sexy.

She wore a pair of jeans that served to drive him crazy by enhancing her sexy-as-fuck curves. The jeans molded to her like a second skin, curving in at the waist. The top she wore showed off her large tits, the v-neck seeming to emphasize her full cleavage.

“Is there something you wanted? I can promise you I had nothing to do with the hunters or the beta team,” she said, nibbling on her lip.

“Oh, I know. I seem to recall the beta teamwanting to have nothing to do with you.”

She chuckled. “Yeah, that’s about right.” She offered him a smile. “Phew. I thought I was in trouble.”

“Nah, I figured I’d walk you home.”

“You did?” Hergaze went wide.

“Yeah, do you not want me to?”

“Oh, I do. It’s fine. I guess I’m not used to someone waiting for me to take mehome.”

“Apart from your dogs?”

“Apart from my dogs. It’s so hot, and well, sometimes the pack isn’t quite … my dogsare very protective.”