Page 25 of The Only Exception

“Always.” Haley scoffed.

Asher stepped up onto the stage and made a short intro. It wasn’t necessary, since everyone in the place knew his middle name and whole family history. Haley’s smile beamed as her husband started in on a fast-paced tune.

Haley cheered loudly before grabbing Everly’s hand. “Dance with me,” she shouted to be heard above the music.

Everly stilled. “I–”

“We don’t have to go out into the middle of the dance floor. We’ll stay on the edge. Please? Asher’s playing, and I don’t have anyone to have fun with tonight.”

Blake held his breath as he waited for Everly’s answer. What would it be like to always be pushed to the edge of your comfort zone? Everly was stronger than she realized if she had to defend her decisions like this every day.

When Everly’s gaze met his, there wasn’t fear in her expression. It was delight–a look of joy with a hint of adrenaline and impulse behind it.

“I think I’ll dance,” Everly said boldly.

Blake exhaled the breath he’d been holding. “Go get ‘em.”

“You’re not coming?” Everly asked.

“After I settle our bill. I’ll be right back.”

Everly bit her bottom lip as she turned to follow Haley. Blake headed for the register at the bar where the owner, Donna, chatted with a woman wearing a shirt that read, “Hard to handle,” with a colorful cactus on the front.

Donna patted the woman’s hand. “I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.” She turned to Blake with a smile and lifted brows. “Did I see Everly with you?”

Leave it to Donna to get right to the point. “You did. She’s having a bad day, but I’m on a mission to make it better.”

Donna shook her head. “Boy, tread carefully.”

No one knew Everly wasn’t engaged to David anymore, and it wasn’t Blake’s place to tell. Still, he didn’t want word to get out that he was moving in on another man’s fiancée. He leaned in to whisper to Donna, “She’s not with David anymore. Hence the bad day.”

Donna gasped, eyes wide. With a zip of her lips, she scanned the room.

“She’s with Haley,” Blake said.

“You better go save her. Haley will have her on the stage.”

Blake chuckled. “Then let me throw some money at you so I can get out there.”

She rang him up, and he left the waitress a tip. He spotted Everly in the crowd right away. Haley stomped to the beat beside her, pointing to correct Everly’s missed beats as they line danced. Blake stepped in beside Everly, and she grinned up at him.

“I’m doing it!” she shouted above the song.

Blake was new to line dancing, but he’d gotten out on the floor a few times and followed the others. Everly had stayed well away from the dancing, and her excited smile had Blake’s chest aching. Of all the times he’d wanted to kiss Everly, he’d never been as tempted as he was now.

Haley guided them through the next few dances without a break. Half an hour later, Everly held her hand up as she panted. “I need a break.”

Haley waved, signaling her husband on the stage.

Asher adjusted his guitar. “I think it’s time for a slow number.”

Haley hooted above the noise of the crowd. “That’s my cue. Have fun!” She bounced off to a booth at the back of the room.

Blake leaned down to whisper to Everly. “Did you tell her?”

Everly nodded quickly.

Blake’s hand shook as he held it out to her. “Then may I have this dance?”