Page 26 of The Only Exception

When Everly placed her hand in his, he leaned in close to be heard above the music. “We can go back to the table if you want.”

Everly raised her chin. “No, I’ve already taken the big step to get out here, and I want to make the most of this brave moment.”

Blake slid one hand around her waist, careful not to pull her soft body flush against his. Distance was good. Patience was key.

Those things might be true, but it took every ounce of his willpower to keep his fingers from digging into her back. When Everly closed the distance and rested her head on his shoulder, he let go of the tension and gave in to the urge to hold her.

They swayed slowly while Blake inhaled shallow breaths. Everly’s sweet vanilla scent tingled in his nose. His mouth watered, and he swallowed hard, pushing the attraction down into the pit of his stomach. Dancing with Everly was a dream that was never meant to become a reality, and Blake had no idea how to navigate the unknown. He was vaguely aware of some invisible line, but he wasn’t sure where it actually lay or how close they were to crossing it.

If they crossed it, there was no going back. If he made the move and she didn’t feel the same, everything would change. If he made the move and she met him halfway, everything would change. Either way, things were bound to be turned upside down after tonight.

She’d just broken up with her fiancé today. There wasn’t any chance of the train leaving the station tonight.

Everly looked up at him, and the genuine smile she saved for the things that she really loved—things that made her talk faster and bounce on her toes in excitement—greeted him like warm sunshine after a bitter winter.

It was enough to make every muscle in his body tense. Something hummed deep and low in his chest at the contented look on her face.

“I think I need a drink,” Everly said.

Blake shook out of his trance and took a step back. “Yeah, I asked the waitress to leave our drinks on the table.”

When they settled into the booth, Everly sighed. “Well, that was new.”

“Good new?”

“Good new.” She looked down at her hands clasped on the table. “I’m not afraid of being out in public or doing things like this. It’s just that no one has ever looked twice at me, and I guess I’ve come to prefer it that way.” She took a long swig of her drink and looked up at him.

Blake leaned forward, listening intently. “Really?” The question slipped out. He’d been correct when he assumed she kept out of the limelight because of Ridge, but Blake didn’t realize she thought no one had noticed her.

But he’d noticed her. From day one, he’d been drawn to her. Every day since had been a conscious effort to stay in his lane where Everly was concerned.

Everly lifted her hand and stared at the engagement ring like she’d never seen it before. Blake had noticed. That ring had been a reminder to him for a while now, and its continued presence had his gut tightening.

Slowly, Everly slipped the ring off her finger and dropped it into the plastic cup with three inches of water remaining. The sounds of the busy crowd nearby turned to a dull roar in Blake’s ears.

She rested her chin in her hand. “I wish it was acid instead of water.”

“Certain acids might just make it shine,” Blake joked.

She slid down and rested the side of her face on her arm. “I want it gone.”

If Blake hadn’t been watching her lips move, he might have missed her words. The sad echo in her voice cut him in two. “Thinking about him is only hurting you. He didn’t think enough about you not to cheat on you.”

Everly lifted her head and pushed her hair back from her face. “I know.”

Blake stared at the ring in the hazy cup. “Pawn it.”


“Pawn it. You deserve to get something out of this mess.”

Everly’s expression slowly morphed from blank to thoughtful. “What if he wants it back?”

Blake scoffed. “Don’t give it to him. Hegaveit to you.”

Everly dunked her hand into the cup and fished the ring out. She dried it on a paper towel. “Let’s do it.”

“Now?” Blake asked.