Page 6 of The Only Exception

“No. I was invited, but Leanne had another event to attend, so I was with her.”

Not only was Megan a good friend, but she’d been an excellent assistant to Blake. When he resigned as a sports agent, Megan had quickly snagged a job with former soccer pro Leanne Wright.

“Who took the photos?” Everly asked.

“It was a private event, as in, no one was allowed to have a phone, watch, or anything that could take photos. I got these from Nathan Fox.”

“The security guard?”

“That’s the one,” Megan confirmed.

Nathan Fox was part of Field, Inc., the security firm most athletes used for temporary services while in the Cleveland area. He’d been assigned to Everly a few times by her brother when they’d been invited to elite private events. Nathan was the strong, silent type, but he’d always been kind to her. He took his job seriously, and if this had truly been a private event, he’d taken a huge risk sending these photos to Megan.

“No one knows you have these, right?” Everly asked.

“I woulddiealong with my career if anyone found out.”

“Delete them now. You didn’t have to do this.”

“I did. He can’t cheat on my friend and get away with it. Ev, this isn’t something I take lightly. I would do anything for you, including put my job on the line.”

“Thanks for that–for everything.” The mix of gratitude and anguish had Everly’s head spinning. She scanned the small food court, but everything was blurry.

An announcement over the intercom told passengers of a random flight number to report to gate B7 for boarding.

“I’m at the airport. I’m supposed to get on a plane to Cleveland in about half an hour.”

Megan grunted. “Are you serious?”

“We were supposed to go to the Bridgestone auction tomorrow night.”

“I’m glad I caught you before you got on that plane,” Megan said.

Everly took a deep breath and blew it out in a rush. “Me too. What do I do?”

“Don’t get on the plane! Call him and confront him.”

Everly groaned. She was allergic to confrontation and avoided it at all costs. How would she even begin? She’d never had a true breakup in her life. She’d never been cheated on, especially not publicly. Well, not that she knew of at least.

“Sorry. You have to put on your big girl panties,” Megan said.

“I know. What if he says it’s not true?”

It was a valid concern. David had always been good to her, but there were instances when he wouldn’t back down. Not that she always thought she was right. There had been a few times when she’d been fairly certain David’s way wasn’t best, but he’d dismissed her quickly, leaving no room for debate.

Not that she wanted to debate anything. She hated it, so she’d stepped aside and let David have his way.

Now, she was pretty sure David was going to tell her the photos were doctored or that they were from years ago–anything to clear his name.

In the five years she’d known him, he’d never been wrong.

“Ev, don’t chicken out. You can do this. Stand up for yourself. You deserve better, don’t you?”

“Yes, of course,” Everly whispered.

“Repeat after me,” Megan said. “I will not be cheated on by anyone.”

“I will not be cheated on by anyone.” The words were shaky, but she’d gotten them out.