Page 7 of The Only Exception

Megan continued, “And I will call David and fire him right now.”

“He’s not my agent,” Everly said.

“No, but he doesn’t deserve to be your fiancé or boyfriend or anything. This is unacceptable!”

“I can’t believe he did this.” Everly hadn’t worried about David cheating on her before, but she really hadn’t given the possibility much thought at all. Had she been blind this whole time? They’d been in an exclusive relationship for years before they got engaged. Had he been seeing other women all along?

Megan sighed, and her tone was void of righteous indignation. “I wish I could say I don’t believe it. I’ve been praying he wouldn't, but I also thought it was a long shot.”

Megan’s confession broke the dam that had been holding Everly together. She lowered her head and covered her face as the tears began.

“No, no. Don’t cry over him. I know it’s hard, but at least you know now, and you won’t be tied to a cheater for the rest of your life.”

Everly sniffled. “I know. This is all so–”

“Awful,” Megan interrupted. “This is awful and inexcusable. I know you’re tender hearted, but you can’t have pity on that man after this. He doesn’t care about you or he wouldn’t have gotten close to another woman. Tell me you understand that.”

“I do,” Everly said adamantly.

“Good. Now go kick butt.”


Megan’s voice slowed to a tone teachers used when educating small children. “Everly, I know you hate talking to people about anything negative or divisive, but this one is unavoidable.”

“I know.” Everly’s skin burned so hot, there was probably a huge mass of red beneath the collar of her sweater.

“Now, imagine I’m right there beside you. You know that face I make when I’m irritated?” Megan asked.

A short chuckle sprang from Everly’s chest. Everyone Megan had ever met knew the face.

“I need you to try to make that face. It’ll help. Trust me.”

“I don’t think my eyebrows can get that close to each other,” Everly said.

“Try it. Also, hold that expression while you call David and tell him you’re not getting on the plane and he’s been demoted from fiancé to dirt on your shoe.”

“Okay.” The thought of saying any of those things made Everly’s stomach roll.

“I love you. You’ll make it through this, and you’ll be better for it,” Megan said.

“Thanks. I love you too.”

Everly lowered the phone and stared at it. Her entire future had shifted, and nothing made sense. All of her carefully laid plans were a jumbled mess, thrown into chaos by someone else.

Had she given David that power over her? She had. Only because she’d intended to be his wife. They had gone into that new chapter of their relationship together, and then he changed everything without her.

Everly watched the travelers moving through the airport, but she wasn’t really seeing them. They were white noise swirling around her in darkness.

She closed her eyes, pushing the remaining moisture out. Resting her head in her hand, she prayed. Her thoughts were confused and lost, and the only coherent part of her cries for help and understanding were ‘please’ and ‘amen.’

The deep voice of a man boomed through the speakers. “Now boarding flight 8714 to Cleveland at gate B9.”

Fifteen minutes ago, that would have been her cue. Now, it was a reminder of changed plans and lessons she couldn’t fully understand yet.

