Page 8 of The Only Exception

The ringing in Everly’s ear did nothing to calm her nerves. She’d put off the call for half an hour while she held the latte that tasted like dirt in her mouth. Nothing was right and everything was wrong.

David answered on the fourth ring. “Hello.”

“Hey.” A long silence followed the lone word while Everly tried to catch her breath. She was getting a headache from frowning the way Megan had told her to.

David’s tone was gruff. “What’s up?”

Everly took a deep breath. “Um, what did you do last night?” She was keenly aware of how pathetic she sounded and made up her mind to try a sterner tone like one Megan would use.

“Worked. You?”

She knew how this conversation was going to go because she knew he had little patience for idle phone conversation when he was busy. His clipped responses were her cue to politely end the call.

This time, she couldn’t.

“I’m at the airport,” she said.

“Have a good flight. I’ll see you when you get–”

“I’m not coming,” she blurted. Her heart hammered hard in her chest.

“What? Why not?”

Everly breathed through the dizziness. “Did you go to the New Hope Gala with Natasha Franco last night?”

There. She’d done it. Ripped it off just like a band-aid.

His silence made her heart beat faster. It wasn’t as if he could deny it. What could he say? Either way, he was caught. Had he only been caught this time or was this the only time he’d cheated?

She didn’t want to know the answer. It was done, and she wouldn’t marry a man she knew couldn’t be faithful to her.

“Should I take that as a yes?” she asked.

“Why are you asking me that?”

“Because I want you to answer the question.”

David huffed. “Give me a minute.”

She waited while he excused himself from wherever he’d been. She always asked about his days, and his answer was always the same. “It was a workday.” In truth, every day is a workday if you worked the way David did. She hadn’t corrected him on that little fact.

“Why are you asking me about this?” David said low when he returned to the call.

“Just say yes or no. Were you there with her?”

“Who told you that?”

“No one told me. I saw photos. Photos of the two of you, clearly together.” Her skin was boiling hot, and her breaths came shallow and uneven.

“There’s no way,” David said resolutely. “Phones weren’t permitted in the gala.”

“Do you even realize you just answered my question? How could you?”

“How could I what? She was there. I was there. So what?”

“She just fell into your arms, and you caught her with your lips? I saw you. She was wrapped up in your arms, and your mouth was on hers. I don’t think I could misinterpret what I saw.” Everly felt her chest swell as boldness rushed through her. This new feeling was anger, and she hated the way it gripped her heart and filled her with darkness.

“Who sent you a picture?” David growled.