Page 19 of Almost Everything

Something tugged in her middle at Blake’s praise. “My girl” sounded a lot like a claiming, and her deeply hidden boldness wanted him to say it again.



Everly stepped out of Blake’s truck and wrapped her coat tighter around her middle. “Does Jess know we’re coming?”

“I don’t have a death wish. I wouldn’t touch any of these horses without telling her first.”

Everly bit her lips to hide her smile. “She’s not so bad.”

“No, but I got on her bad side this morning, and I know better than to stay there too long. I promised her a full stable mucking sometime this week if she’d get Burgundy ready for us.”

Jogging to catch up with Blake as he entered the stables, Everly bumped his elbow with hers. “What about my horse?”

“Just one. We’re not going far, but I don’t think you’re experienced enough to ride this one alone. Plus, the horses don’t know the trail yet.”

Everly’s shocked inhale was untimely, and she sputtered and coughed after a nose full of stable smell.

Brett stepped out of a stall and propped against his pitchfork. “You don’t get out of that stuffy office enough.”

“Fair.” Everly gasped for air as she waved a hand in front of her face. “Where’s Jess?”

“She has a private lesson with Applejack. The better question is why are you here? Blake wouldn’t ask for directions to the airport?”

Everly’s shoulders sank. “David and I broke up. It’s a long story, and I don’t feel like telling it.”

Brett scrunched his nose. “He cheat on you?”

“Dude,” Blake growled and gawked at their friend.

“It’s fine. I guess I’d better get used to talking about it. Yes, he cheated. Turns out it’s not a long story after all because that’s the end.”

“Are you taking applications for a new man? I’m a trained handyman, I never forget birthdays or anniversaries, and I look good in a tux.”

Everly laughed. “Sorry, but you’re not my type.”

“Why not?” Brett feigned shock and slapped a hand on his chest. “I’m a good catch.”

“Better luck next time, Barney Fife,” Blake said as he jerked his head toward the other side of the stables. “We’ll catch you later.”

Everly waved good-bye to Brett who held his hand up to his face and whispered, “Call me.”

“He’s crazy,” Everly said as she kept pace with Blake. Brett was cute, but Everly didn’t click with him the same way she had with Blake.

Now she was thinking about “clicking” with Blake like that was some special milestone that led to more.

“I don’t blame him.You’rethe catch, and David was stupid.” Blake pointed at the snack locker. “You want to get some treats for Burgundy? She likes the apple flavored ones in the blue bag.”

Everly looked back and forth between the locker and Blake. “Um, yeah.” How did he do that? He slipped in little sentences that packed a big punch and then acted like he hadn’t tilted her world on its axis.

Grabbing the treats, she straightened her shoulders with resolve. Blake was her friend. Of course he thought she was awesome. It didn’t mean he was romantically interested in her.

Everly’s own platonic feelings were getting tossed around like a ship in a hurricane. She’d been firmly planted in the friendzone with Blake for years. Why was she getting all flustered at his sweet comments, today of all days, when her perceived future had just been thrown out the window?

When she got back to the stall, Burgundy greeted her with a quizzical lift of her head.

Blake swiped a hand down the horse’s mane. “Burgundy, this is my other best girl. Her name is Everly, and I know you’ll like her because I do.”