Page 20 of Almost Everything

Blake’s words made Everly’s chest swell, and she tried her best to breathe evenly as her pulse raced. “Do you talk to the horses a lot?”

“Every day. I like to chat with the pack mules too, but they’re always too busy to talk about things like the weather.”

Everly lifted her hand for Burgundy to smell. “It’s nice to meet you, Burgundy. That’s a pretty name.”

“She’s a blood bay and our best trail horse. She’s been doing this for at least a decade. She probably knows the ranch better than I do.”

Everly raised her brows. “That’s impressive, since it’s your job to ride around the ranch.”

Blake moved to lead Burgundy out of the stall. “That’s not all I do.”

Everly raised her hands. “It wasn’t a jab. It sounds like fun.”

“Wait until you see the new trail. It’s a short one, but it’ll be a favorite.” He beckoned her over as he positioned a stool next to Burgundy.

Stepping up to the stool, Everly took a deep breath. She’d gone riding with Jess a few times, but she’d never been past the outdoor arena by the barn.

“Don’t be nervous. Burgundy is good. I wouldn’t put you in danger.”

Everly looked back and forth between the horse and Blake. “I know that. My central nervous system just needs to get the memo.” She shook out her hands that had started to sweat and placed them on Burgundy’s side. “I can do this. I can do this.”

“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” Blake said beside her.

She appreciated his consideration. Most people had little patience with her when she was overly cautious. “I do. I just need to wrap my head around it. I haven’t been on a horse since last summer.”

“It’s like riding a bike. A bike that can bite and buck you off without notice.”

Everly tilted her head. “Are you trying to talk me out of it or what?”

“Sorry. Go ahead.” Blake gestured toward the saddle that sat at her eye level.

She’d just have to do it. Like ripping off a bandage. She bent and pushed, swinging her leg over and landing only slightly off center on the saddle. “I did it!”

“Good job.” Blake moved the stool to the side and stepped up to the horse. “Let me have the stirrup for a sec.”

Everly lifted her foot, and Blake settled his boot in. Before she’d had time to shift into a more comfortable position, Blake was in the saddle behind her.

Every muscle in her body tensed. Blake’s chest was warm against her back, and Burgundy shifted beneath them. “Oh, boy. Oh, boy.”

“Easy,” Blake whispered close enough that she felt his breath on her ear. “The horse will take cues from every move you make, so try to relax.”

Burgundy might have eased, but Everly didn’t. She was keenly aware of every inch of her body that touched Blake’s. In the next second, his arms were around her, reaching for the reins.

“It’s not so bad, right?” he asked.

“Uh-huh.” She was running on adrenaline and a healthy dose of fear, so nothing was really okay, but she’d lie to herself this once.

Blake shifted in the saddle behind her, and she took the opportunity to do the same, though the movements only brought them closer together.

When there wasn’t a hint of space left between them, Blake asked, “You ready?”

“Okay.” The word came out shaky, but she was still hanging on, determined to see this adventure through. She might not get another chance to ride any time soon, and having the official ranch trail manager with her was an opportunity she didn’t want to pass up.

“You don’t sound so sure. Last chance to change your mind.”

“No. I’m doing this. We’re doing this,” she said boldly, more to convince herself than Blake.

“Then hang on.” He clicked his tongue and shouted a loud, “Go,” and Burgundy set out at a gentle pace.