Page 48 of Her Rogue Mates

“Good?” Styx asked, his voice ragged.

I lifted my head, looked down at him. He frowned slightly, and I smiled. Deliriously. “Amazing.”

He grinned then.

Blade pressed up to his hand again, slid the other one down my spine.

“You’ve made mates of us, Harper. Now it’s time to fuck.”

He began to move within me again, slowly, but his seed eased the way better than the lube.

“Don’t you have to rest?”

Styx had a wicked gleam in his eyes.

“Does it seem like our cocks aren’t ready for you?”

“Um, no.”

Blade kissed my neck, kept moving within me. “Get ready, mate. The only way we’ll stop is when you pass out from pleasure.”

My mouth fell open, waited for Styx to contradict Blade. He didn’t.

“Again,” Styx said instead. “And again.”

They didn’t stop fucking me. Not for the rest of the day. In ways I never imagined. I came again and again, each time better than the last. I was insatiable. I was horny. Everything they said was true. It was perfect. They were perfect.

I was theirs, and they proved it for me.

Until, just as Blade had said, they stopped making love to me for a few seconds, and I passed out from exhaustion.

I fell asleep safe. Warm. Wrung out. Protected.

Happy. Loved. They were mine now. Mine.



Styx, Two Weeks Later

“Follow me.” Silver led the way down a corridor from my private quarters with Blade and Harper to a large banquet room. Harper walked between us, Blade and I on either side.

Each holding one of her hands.

This was the new normal, our mate safe and protected. Between us. Soothing our savage instincts with softness and smiles and surrender in bed.

Not just surrender. Submission. She gave over to our possession beautifully and now bore our marks. Just seeing them made me hard.

We’d been wild when we returned from our routing of the Kronos traitors. Animalistic in our need to claim her, make sure she was safe and real and ours.

But our ferocity had not scared her. The opposite, in fact. The wilder we were, the wetter her pussy, the harder she wanted to fuck. Deeper. Just…more.

A fact that I often took advantage of.

The footage from the Kronos cargo ship had been seen by everyone on Rogue 5. Silver, the sneaky female, had kept her recording device on when we went into the command deck. She’d edited the content to show me ripping out the Kronos soldier’s throat, my warning, and then an image of Blade ripping the enforcer’s head off as I stood by with a look of cold disinterest on my face.

It had the desired effect across the moon base.