Page 49 of Her Rogue Mates

Styx was more powerful than ever. Kronos legion was quiet, licking their wounds and watching their backs.

The other legion leaders helped me keep tabs on them, keeping them in check and would do so for the foreseeable future.

There were no Prillon warriors, no Atlans, no Doctor Mervan on Silver’s video. She was smart. She knew that Styx legion needed to be perceived as vicious. Merciless. Strong.

And Harper?

We kept the footage from her. She knew she was mated to rogues, but I wanted her protected from the ruthlessness that came with my leadership. I would not have her witness to such darkness. It was a difficult task, but everyone knew she had to be protected. Perhaps she herself knew this and didn’t fight us on it. Avoided the footage even.

We’d claimed her, and she glowed. The serum certainly made her eager for us, but it hadn’t been necessary. She’d been eager from the first moment I saw her in that canteen on Zenith. Our people loved her. After her selfless service at the mating feast, where she’d saved the lives of enforcers and captains from the other legions as tirelessly as she’d helped Styx, she’d become something of a celebrity.

Everyone loved my mate. Everyone wanted her. A touch. A hello. A kiss for their little ones. A smile.

While I garnered respect, she got their affection. I didn’t know anyone on the moon belt who liked me.

It was driving me fucking insane. I knew the political gift this was, the leverage I would have over the other legions, the pull I’d have with their people. I knew, and still I hated sharing her.

We were protective and possessive assholes.

Blade was worse. He was her shadow, ever on the lookout for an attack.

But that fierce protectiveness was the only reason I could breathe when she was out of sight. I knew when she was not with me, she was with him.

Gods. Who knew falling in love would be such a fucking mess?

Silver walked slowly, her uniform crisp, new. Her hair was in an elaborate braid I’d rarely seen her bother with.

“What’s going on, little sister?” Blade’s voice was curious, but content. He smiled more now that we had Harper. Hell, so did I.

“It’s a surprise. Just shut up and play along.”

Play along? I never did that. I had to know what was happening. Be prepared. Plan. Lead.

“I don’t like surprises, Silver.” My voice was neither content nor curious, but irritated. She’d interrupted us when we’d been in bed. Harper splayed over my chest, skin to skin. Heart to heart. Cock settled deep inside her, my seed slipping out because there was always too much for her tight channel. My favorite way to hold her. Silver’s knock on the door cost me precious moments with my mate.

As she continued down the corridor, Silver laughed and opened the door to the largest gathering room we had in Styx territory.

We followed her in and Harper’s eyes went wide. My throat grew thick, achy. So heavy I knew I would not be able to speak. I squeezed Harper’s hand.

“By the gods.” Blade’s awed tone said it all.

The entire legion was gathered. Three thousand strong. Children ran around, laughing and screaming and playing like this was the annual festival of gifts. They didn’t know the weight of the moment, but they would someday.

The crowd parted for us as we passed, creating a clear path to a raised platform where Scribe stood with Khon, Cormac and Ivar.

“Silver?” Her name was a question, to which she laughed and ignored me.

What the fuck was going on here? I sensed no danger, only heavy emotion.

We followed Silver up onto the stage and everyone just…stopped. Even the babies seemed to be holding their breaths. The silence was so heavy Scribe didn’t even need to raise his voice to be heard.

“Welcome Styx legion.”

They erupted in loud cheers, which lasted until Scribe raised his hand to silence them.

“We have gathered to honor our new lady and her mates. Our blood. Our heart. Our strength.”

Cheers. Louder. The room seemed to rock with the sound and Harper’s chest rose and fell in rapid waves, her hand choking the blood from mine in her tight grip. While she might heal, she hated to be the center of attention.