Page 85 of Bad Habits

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Sister Purity

Why was Sister Hanleigh in my room with my box? Peeking around the corner, I saw her contaminate all of my special items. She would pay for that.

The surge of anger that went through me made my knees weak. Literally had to root myself in the spot so I wouldn’t throttle her. How dare she touch my stuff.

At least she didn’t find my entrance to my secret lair. As far as I knew, I was the only one who went back there to worship. Maybe it was time to speak, andconfidein Sister Hanleigh. She would soon learn the penalty of snooping through things that were none of her business.

Hiding in the shadows, I let her leave the room. I would chance her coming back, then she would be all mine.

She left my room with a concerned look on her face, oblivious to me being in the darkness watching her.

Walking in my room, I looked at the calendar. One more night, and my silence would be broken. Taking my box out, I pulled the knife, tucking it in a fold with a safety pin.

Kneeling in front of my bed, I pulled my worn bible out, and stayed like that for hours. Reading, praying, and deciphering God’s word, put me in a dazed state.

When I felt a feather like touch on my shoulder, I knew it was her. She couldn’t resist butting in where it wasn’t her business. I glanced up to see Hanleigh's face smiling down at me. Forcing my lips to upturn at her, I took her proffered hand, and stood up.

“Purity if you need anything, anything at all, please let me know.”

Deciding it was time, I hadn’t had my fix in a long time, never with a human, but there was a first time for everything.

It was early, but I thought God would forgive me. “Come with me.”

She looked at me, her eyes rounded with surprise. Nodding, she assented.

I turned to my secret entrance, knowing she would follow. Hearing her exclamations of shock as I walked her down the quiet dark hallway. I could feel her excitement as she looked around.

The mirror grabbed her right away. She turned from side to side checking herself out. Then she saw my discipline hanging on the side. With regret in her features, she turned to me, “Purity, please tell me you don’t think you need to whip yourself with this.”

“Humilityis the quality of being humble. Humilitycomes from the Latin word humilis, which literallymeanslow. If you feelhumilityin front of someone, you feel small in the scheme of things — that you are just a simple, insignificant person. Someone who spends his life taking care of others showshumility. I literally am no one, which is of course why I use that on my flesh.”

Staring at her, I took her hand, leading her to the circle. She shrieked in fear. I was perplexed. I didn’t expect this reaction. It always made me feel so welcome. Sometimes, I swore I even heard whispering voices.

Frowning at her, I looked at the circle, and it actually started to glow. She looked frozen in place with panic.

“Please,” She begged, “we have to leave this evil place.”

What an odd reaction to my safe place. Pure adrenaline surged through me. I kicked her kneecap hard, pushing her into the circle. Her body trembled, thrashed, and shook as electricity went through it.

Staring at it with awe, I was stunned. It was a brilliant light display. Being beckoned to the circle didn’t bother me. I walked over to the pale body. Stripping her from her habit, I saw she was still taking small raspy breaths. The images in my head were leading me.

I saw her heart laying on the center of the circle. Taking my small knife out, I knew it would be a big undertaking, but it was necessary. The circle demanded it.

The energy in the circle helped me. My knife went through her flesh straight down to the organ I was picturing. It was still beating in my hand when I squeezed it and pulled her life source from her. The dimming of her eyes as her soul left her body and flew down the center of the circle was the most magical feeling.

I looked at her body. Her breasts were close to my size. I reached out to squeeze her nipple which was stiffening in the cool air. A thought occurred to me. I wondered if she tasted the same as I did. Her pubic hair was strawberry blonde. She shaved hers thin to a landing strip.

Pushing her legs apart, I slid in to check her folds out. Opening them up, I ran my finger up and down, then slipped them inside of her. Dipping my face down right in front of her pussy, I licked her juice that was running over my fingers. She did taste like me. It was intoxicating. Getting my fill, I slurped up what I wanted, then moved away from her.

I wanted a souvenir, like a small bone to put in my box. To have to remember every time I looked at it. Her finger was pointing out. My mind went straight to that. She had a moonstone ring on it. Breaking her finger with my bare hands then cutting the skin and muscle with the knife, I took the offering and cleaned it up for my box.

I needed to disperse of the body. But the images flying through my mind, only showed me leaving it there. The circle had other ideas for her corpse.

Knowing I could take a human life, was all I needed to know, I could take any challenge on.

Taking her discarded robe, and my souvenirs, I slipped back into my room. The next day was going to be a day of learning for many people. My voice would be heard and so help me, they would listen.