Page 90 of Bad Habits

“Father O’Rourke?” My voice sounds so scratchy.

“Sean, please.” He said, smiling.

“How long have you been here?”

“I stayed overnight. I didn’t want you to be alone.” He shrugged.

Nodding, I smiled at him with tears in my eyes.

“It’s ok Purity. I won’t leave until you do.”

“But, why?” I wasn’t sure why he would be so kind to me.

“Because you were there when I needed you.” He said simply.

He held his hand out, I laid mine in it, then cried myself out.

As the doctor walked in, he looked at us, probably thinking we were a couple.

“Your scans all look good. Nothing is broken but you will be sore for a couple of weeks. We sent the rape kit off with the police.”

I squeezed Sean’s hand. He held on protectively.

“Will I get pregnant?” I asked. My whole life would change. I would get kicked out of the convent, have to raise my attacker’s baby on my own, and never feel like I do when I am at my hidden place. My mind was a whirl of so many emotions.

“No. Your attacker was sterile. We tested his sperm for diseases.” The doctor assured me.

I sent a thank you prayer up to the heavens. Sean stayed by my side, helping me get dressed in scrubs, they needed my habit for evidence.

The drive back to the convent was a painful one. I denied ro the doctor that I needed pain medication. I didn’t want anything distorting my thoughts. I needed to keep my head clear. Vengeance would be mine.

* * *

Father O’Rourke

Taking her in the side door seemed to be the best option. She insisted on going to her room, even though I tried to get her to stay with me. I promised she would be safe.

“Thank you, for everything. I just need some time alone. You know?” She was emphatic.

I did know. Sometimes when shit went bad, you just needed time alone. I knew she wouldn’t hurt herself. She had too strong of a will. I slipped her my cell phone.

“My office phone is programmed in there. Also,” I programmed my bedroom phone in it, “this is my private line. If you need anything, anything at all, call me. I don’t care what time it is.”

She threw her arms around me. I held her while she cried. “Thank you. Truly. No one has ever been so kind to me.” Then she turned away to get undressed for bed.

I walked to the door, then thought of how it almost seemed like a setup of Sister Kaisha keeping me from going outside, “Lock your door. Just to be on the safe side.”

She nodded. I walked out and waited until I heard the click of the lock before I walked away.

Going straight to my room, I called Mary Margaret and explained I left my phone with Purity so she would feel safer. I requested a meeting first thing in the morning. After hanging up with her, I went to find Kaisha. I needed to know if there was anything nefarious going on, and if so, why.

Kaisha was in her night gown when I arrived at her room. She looked frightened when I came to the door, as she should be.

“Kaisha, we need to discuss your diversion from yesterday that got one of your sisters attacked.”

She scoffed, “She is not my sister. There is something seriously wrong in the head with that one.” She smirked, smiling coyly at me, while she rubbed her fingers on her leg, inching her gown up a little higher.

“You can quit your games.” I admonished her harshly, “you disgust me.”