Page 91 of Bad Habits

She looked crestfallen. With tears in her eyes, she explained that the kidnappers had told her in Purity's past life, she had stolen from them.

“So you see,” Kaisha explained hastily, “I was only trying to help.”

“You thought you were better than Mother Superior?” I deadpanned her.

“Um…I mean….no,” She stumbled, “I swear I was only trying to help.” She had crocodile tears dripping down her face as she clung to my arm.

I shook her off, disgust evident on my face. “You will come to my office tomorrow at 9 am for your penance.”

“I have chores.” She said meekly.

“No. You will be sequestered. The other girls shouldn’t be around filth like you that they can’t trust their lives to. If you behave, I may not tell all of them what you did.” Shaking my head, I walked out of the sobbing girl’s room.

No one wanted to be ordered to be sequestered. It was a lonely path. If you chose it, it was one thing.

* * *

Sister Purity

The next morning, I felt a little better. Still sore, but I could move. I put a clean habit on, visited my happy place, then went to start my rounds.

Passing Mother Superior’s office, I could hear Father O’Rourke inside. They were discussing me, so of course I had to eavesdrop. Somewhere in the Universe it was an unwritten law if someone said your name, you were allowed to know why.

“Kaisha basically sold her up the river to those hooligans.” Sean sounded angry.

“Why would she do that?”

“They know she is different. But damn, you give her to people who are going to kill her? That is going too far.” He slammed his hand down on her desk.

“I will take her out of rotation straight away.” Mother Superior assured him.

“I already did. I am taking over her lessons. She will learn the true meaning of pennance.”


“Mary Margaret there is no argument here. She is going to feel the same pain Purity felt with the exception she gets to keep her virginity.”

She sighed loudly. “Not everyone can handle that much pain.”

“My girl did. And never complained.” He said with pride.

“Exactly. She is your girl. Your flesh and blood. What is going to happen when Purity finds out she is your daughter, conceived and born right here in this convent?” Mary Margaret pushed back.

“When the time is right.” He murmured.

I could hear him coming closer to the door, he must’ve heard my loud sigh when I heard all the information.

I needed to get everything straight in my head. Rushing back to my room, everything was a whirlwind in my head. Kaisha, Sean being my dad, I was born here? Was that why I was so comfortable in the closed off place? I needed to sort things out one at a time or I was going to over load.

Kaisha first. Going to her room, I didn’t have a plan at all. Passing the kitchen, it occurred to me a bigger knife may look more lethal.

I peered inside her door and waited until she stood up and her back was to me. I came up behind her, put the blade to her neck, then told her to walk to my room.

It was perfect timing because everyone was in prayer together. She looked around fearfully.

“If you try anything, I will shove this in your carotid artery. Don’t run, don’t scream, don’t do anything except what I tell you. Understand?” Thank goodness for anatomy classes. They paid off if you were going to hold a knife on someone.

She hung her head in defeat, then continued to my room. I pushed her against the panel that opened up into the closed off area. She sucked in a large breath as she crossed the threshold.